"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Souls of the Realms (ver. SLG, Pt 1)

Yes, I know SLG as a form of abbreviation sounds like some kind of illegal stuff. To the culturally unschooled (?), chances are that the first other abbreviation in mind is LSD (something which imam Zul would definitely preach against before those from good families). To those who blessed with cultural understanding, SLG refers to the simulation genre in video games. On the first glance, it (read: only the genre itself) sounds sleazy. In reality, it's not. Don't believe me?

Pretty sure you don't know Japanese. Me too. Got card illustration though.

Card list (just a general summary)
Basically, the card list includes the notable characters called Souls in the world of Abeir-Toril. Originally, it should be Faerûn. Because I desire to be a shameless showoff like Cristiano Ronaldo, I decided to use Abeir-Toril as the scope.

At the same time, factions will be available. For now, the factions list goes as below...

1. Neverwinter
Faction symbol: A blue banner bearing the city symbol of Neverwinter

Available Souls:
Arylos, Linu La'neral, Heriol the Warder [Epic Rare]
Knox, Celeste, Makos, Xuna [Rare]
Jon Lark, Illaine Kalinoth, Sabine, Abbey Fargo, Vesper Soulhearth [Uncommon]
Wilfred, Zoey Fargo, Hazel, Zemmer, Benton [Common]

Total number of faction Souls: 17

Introduction: Known as Jewel of the North and the City of Skilled Hands, this once proud city where Nasher Alagondar set his seat is only starting to find its feet back. In a bid to revive the city's fortunes without wasting valuable resources, the current ruler Dagult Neverember enacted a shrewd military policy allowing easy access to Neverwinter for all adventurers. Despite the city far from restored and the Lord Protector's personal wealth being stretched, the adventurers nevertheless were expected to defend Neverwinter from major perils. Unlike the sellswords hired from Mintarn at a price or the local military driven by loyalty, the adventurers were promised fame and future opportunities throughout northern Faerûn. Something which has worked surprisingly well so far due to the Lord Protector keeping true to his word.
As a city which always has to rely on itself to survive and prosper, Neverwinter relies on effective organization and decisive strikes.

Faction bonus: For every Soul of the Neverwinter faction under your control, every Soul under your control will gain action points by a certain amount per every 5 secs during play. This bonus will further increase when your Souls are engaged in combat.

2. Icewind Dale
Faction symbol: A leafless tree set on a green background (A/N: If this symbol sounds familiar, it's because I'm asking to be sued)

Available Souls:
Drizzt Do'Urden, Akar Kessell, Catti-brie [Epic Rare]
Wulfgar, Anara the Cerulean, Biggrin, Bowen Brant [Rare]
Berkthgar the Bold, Jubal Oakstaff, Aelred Windsinger, Kinnera Foxwood, Gurth Grimstalker [Uncommon]
Kierstaad, Revjak, Beornegar, Heafstaag, Celynn the Half-blood [Common]

Total number of faction Souls: 17

Introduction: A land where only the harshest cold and hardiest of men prevail, Icewind Dale is where civilization ends at the arctic north. Home to the ruthless Reghedmen barbarians and hardy folk of the Ten Towns alike, this region is most famous for two things. Namely, knucklehead scrimshaw and the legendary drow ranger Drizzt Do'Urden.
As a confederation of settlements banding together in the name of survival, the inhabitants of Ten Towns will not hesitate to join forces with their foes in the form of the barbaric Reghed tribes. Hence, Icewind Dale is always never short of hardy durability on the highest level.

Faction bonus: Every Soul from the Icewind Dale faction under your control takes less damage by a certain amount from any one opponent Soul. This bonus will target two opponent Souls instead if combat is done either in a forest or mountain terrain.

3. Cormyr
Faction symbol: A white shield emblazoned with a purple dragon

Available Souls:
Elminster Aumar, Dove Falconhand [Epic Rare]
Florin Falconhand, Artus Cimber [Rare]
Aiorn Wyvernspur,  Lorelei Gravesower, Aubrin Crownsilver [Uncommon]
Scoril Cimber, Constancia Crownsilver, Brave Unknown [Common]

Total number of faction Souls: 10

Introduction: Also known as the Forest Country and Land of the Purple Dragon, this once great nation is now beset by troubles both within and beyond its borders. Even after the siege of Suzail, the current ruler Queen Raedra Obarskyr still has her hands full dealing with treacherous nobles and external threats. With the Purple Dragons and War Wizards always ready, however, the might of Comryr has little to fear.
As a kingdom famed for steel and magic during times of conflict, the noble Cormyrians are more than capable of holding their fort as an army and staging lightning-fast counter-attacks.

Faction bonus: When not moving, every Soul under your control takes less damage by a certain amount for every Soul from the Cormyr faction you have in play. If the number of Souls in the Cormyr faction is higher this way, all your Souls deal a fixed amount of bonus damage.

4. Luskan
Faction symbol: A green banner depicting a sailing ship.

Available Souls:
Arklem Greeth, Valindra Shadowmantle [Epic Rare]
Lewynn Hawkseal-Deudermont, Kariss Locras [Rare]
Traven Blackdagger, Morik the Rogue [Uncommon]
Vaelish Gant, Malus Blackdagger [Common]

Total number of faction Souls: 8

Introduction: A city now in chaos, Luskan was nevertheless a great city known as the City of Sails. A constant rival to Neverwinter in ways more than one, the Luskanites were renowned fighters and corsairs. Always a place where scoundrels, slavers, and prostitutes plied their trade, Luskan would eventually face ruin in the form of constant anarchy.
As a city where only the mighty has the right to live, every Luskan is a fearsome foe where a superior offense is always the best defense.

Faction bonus: Every Soul of the Luskan faction under your control gains a sizeable bonus in damage dealt by a fixed amount. If the number of non-Luskan Souls you control is higher this way, this bonus is halved instead.

5. Liege
Faction symbol: A golden crown set on a purple banner

Available Souls:
Gandalug Battlehammer, Ilsevele Miritar [Epic Rare]
Nasher Alagondar, Alusair Obarskyr [Rare]
Dagult Neverember, Wanang Sun [Uncommon]

Total number of faction Souls: 6

Introduction: No kingdom can prosper without a leader, no nation can ever survive without a ruler. From the long gone Illefarn to the splendorous Waterdeep, from various powers in Kara-tur to the people of Maztica, no part of the Realms is ever above this rule.
As rulers over their people, it is only right that the mark of a great lord lies in great charisma and exceptional leadership.

Faction bonus: All your Souls (apart from your chosen Liege) begin every match with 25% action points. At the same time, all your Souls (apart from your chosen Liege) will re-enter play with 10% action points upon revival. If your Liege is defeated, all your surviving Souls will have their action points reduced to zero. You can only have one Soul from the Liege faction in any match.

What you read is what you get
Every Soul will have a few key components in the card description: Repute, Power, Tenacity, Speed, Perception, Range, Type.

1. Repute
Repute indicates the revival cost of your Soul. The higher the Repute, the longer it takes for that Soul to revive. However, Repute provides specific bonus according to the Soul type. The higher the Repute, the better the bonus.

2. Power
Power indicates the amount of damage which can be dealt in combat. At the same time, it also affects the Soul's Overdrive in terms of both duration and effectiveness.

3. Tenacity
Tenacity indicates three things. Firstly, it affects the Soul's resistance to any enemy Soul's Overdrive in terms of both duration and effectiveness. Secondly, it affects the duration and effectiveness of any friendly Overdrive effect, be it from that particular Soul itself or other Souls. Thirdly, it affects both the amount of damage taken during combat and the maximum amount of damage which can be taken before that Soul is defeated.

4. Speed
Speed indicates the number of actions the Soul can take per turn. At the same time, it also decides how many squares the Soul can travel per action.

5. Perception
Perception affects the speed of the Soul's action point gain. It also affects that Soul's critical chance as well.

6. Range
Range indicates the nature of the Soul's attack reach. Once any enemy Soul is within the attack reach, the screen will indicate the option to attack. There are three types of attack reach: Close (melee attack), Far (ranged attack), Personal (enemy Souls can be targeted without the constraint of attack reach)

7. Type
There are three types of Souls available: Vanguard, Defender, Tactician. Below is a summary of the respective properties of every Soul type.

Before my foes, my fury is ever ready. Never will I ever stay put waiting for them. For the rush of adrenaline is my best comrade in arms.
Introduction: The Vanguard is all about dealing high damage, a lesser extent of defense negated by the decimation of his foes. The Vanguard has the highest Power among those of the same Repute.
Type Effect: Whenever a Vanguard type Soul attacks an enemy, that Soul will deal additional damage per hit according to its amount of Repute.

I shall never waver, I shall never retreat. For this is my battle with those I cherish standing behind me.
Introduction: The Defender has the best defensive game, for an excellent offense is nothing should the loss outstrip the gain. The Defender has the highest Tenacity among those of the same Repute.
Type Effect: Whenever a Defender type Soul attacks an enemy Soul, that Soul takes less damage according to its amount of Repute.

Bravery is only secondary, valor counts for nothing. For war is all about victory with losers having no place in the pages of history.
Introduction: The Tactician excels neither in attack nor defense, for power is nothing without control. The Tactician has the highest Perception among those of the same Repute.
Type Effect: Whenever a Tactician type Soul attacks an enemy Soul, a random Soul under your control gains an additional number of actions according to that Tactician's Repute. The same Soul cannot be targetted more than once this way.

Unlike the standard SLG fare, there's no such thing as one card type countering another. Rather, the decisive difference during combat lies in a number of factors.

Next up: How to fight a battle plus all the turn based bs you need to know. Hopefully, I can also add some more prominent names.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Trolling love

Tonight (because it's alrdy 11+ at night), I decided to be my very own Guy Fawkes. Two days ago, I chose to be a jerk. Two days later, I decided to concoct my very own Gunpowder Plot.

Also, I'll be tagging the usual suspects since they need to know what manner of a connoisseur yours truly am.

~Pretty sure my super mignonne legal housebreaker and her given BFF are fans~

~Yep, brace yourself, my super mignonne legal housebreaker~



L'heure entre chien et loup

Yep, that's the Original Sanders alright

Okay, back to the Gi...




Okay, I know the songs are all very damn sad...

It's not really that sad, I promise...

P.S: I blame the late George Michael for inspiring me to do this post. Period. But not like this.


Add P.S: Okay, call it a lie if you want to. I blame Deadpool. NSFW CONTENT BELOW!!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!

Final P.S: My prediction for Boro's first season in the top flight after N years in the 2nd tier wilderness? We're gonna get relegated, Newcastle and Sunderland are gonna laugh at us. The only catch? Deadpool will be joining Cable at the Riverside next season.

If this Weasel above resembles a certain German Merseysider, it's not my problem.
As for Liverpool's current problem, I can't be sure.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

[冬の鎮魂曲] Zwei

In my now defunct Garou Central blog, I started an idea for a Marvel game. What this means is...

1. I needed the authorization of Marvel Studios in order to make my ideas real.
2. Much better for me if a certain Lee decides to endorse me. I mean, my ideas.

If I accidentally wind up anyone surnamed Lee, I apologize. After all, Lee is a commonly known surname shared by Chinese and angmohs alike. A bit like me saying there's definitely more than one lady named Lee Wei Ling.
I'm just doing this for fun, please don't sue me...
Houston, we have a problem...
...namely my self-perfectionist streak in doing things. You see, I always switch myself off when it comes to things I'm not interested in. Things which I am interested in, I'll never step on the brake. Sadly, this is also the reason why I decided to put my Marvel ideas on the back burner for now. The problem is never down to gameplay design. Rather, I have a problem with creating a decent plot. In other words, I'm not gonna do this.

Thanks (?) to Dee Kosh (?)...
...I stumbled upon an article concerning famous people. Because I feel that 'tis much better to let one's talent do the talking instead of the mouth, I decided to lead by example. Sounds like Captain America, huh?
Game rated M by ESRB for coarse language, mature themes, blood, and violence. No gore intended btw...

Explanation on general gameplay
Basic attack:
This attack can be chained up till 3 times by holding down the square button. At the same time, you can cancel this chain on the first or second hit. The third hit cannot be canceled. Fastest in both hit execution and recovery lag. Low hit priority (which means in the event of trading hits, basic attack will most likely lose out)

Heavy attack:
This attack cannot be chained. However, it can be executed together with your basic attack chain via a hit cancel (refer to above). Fast to come out like a basic attack with higher damage, but poor recovery lag. Has a higher hit priority than basic attack (which means in the event of trading hits, a heavy attack will always win).

Trigger effect:
Trigger effect can either be a direct damage hit, buff effect, or control effect. Unlike basic attacks and heavy attacks, the trigger effect differs from one character to another. Trigger effect has the highest priority.

Toggling between Metallurgy and Thaumaturgy:
During any combat, your character will be automatically in Metallurgy mode. Once the Chaos gauge is completely filled, your character can gain access to Thaumaturgy mode.

To say dwarves are incapable of magic is to invite their ire. Be they the seafaring brigands prowling the Endless Sea or the blacksmiths seen in the Greater North, the Homm' Eot possess the ability to work metal in ways unexplainable.
Metallurgy is the reinforcement of solid objects via sheer willpower. It is split into two types. Namely, physical reinforcement (where the object's durability is increased) and elemental reinforcement (where magic is fused into the object).

The elves are masters of magic, the very stuff of legends sung by wandering bards and local minstrels. Rightfully feared, the Homm' Nua are always more than capable of bending elements to their whims.
Thaumaturgy is the manipulation of natural elements in one way or another through imagination and the determination to make it happen. Unlike elemental reinforcement, Thaumaturgy is all about creating phenomena without any need of a medium.

Further details ahead

Plot twist: Like Archer, I rolled a 20 for Will save.

Basic attack:
While you can chain 3 hits in a row, it must also be stated that there is more than 1 manner of attack. Depending on the weapon used, the variation in attack can range anywhere from 2 to 4 (perhaps even more than 4). This is where the interesting part comes.

Whenever a basic attack combo is executed, no two identical hits can be chained on a consecutive basis.

For example, a longsword can execute 4 different hits. Namely, forehand slash, backhand slash, downward hack, and upward slash. Whenever you chain a combo, you cannot execute forehand slash twice in a row. The same logic applies to the other 3 types of basic hits.

Which hit will be executed in the form of basic attack/combo is totally random in nature. What this means is that you'll need to think on your feet. The reason why being that different hit will have different animation. As a result, the hit cancel will also work differently accordingly. In fact, you can only cancel the hit within the first half of the attack animation.

Heavy attack:
There can only be one type of heavy attack for any given weapon in the same manner which there can be only one. Heavy attacks can either be used to throw an opponent off-guard when trading hits (due to a higher priority than any basic attack) or to deal high damage (be it via a standalone hit or the last hit of any combo). However, it must also be noted that extent of hit priority differs from weapon to weapon.

Trigger effect:
Despite having the highest priority, the trigger effect is not the gameplay's equivalent of this guy. The reason why being two things:

1. Cooldown period.
2. Trigger effect results in hit points loss. At the same time, you cannot use trigger effect once your hit points reach 30% or less.

Chaos gauge:
Without Order, Chaos has no path. Without Chaos, Order has no life. Order is the vessel, Chaos is what resides within. Such is the relationship between body and soul, mind and emotions.
The Chaos gauge represents the mortal soul, emotions felt by all. Just as the power of Metallurgy is sustained by the physical body, the power of Thaumaturgy is sustained by emotions. Unlike the standard gauge system you see in action games, the Chaos gauge will not be reset once combat is finished. Rather, it retains whatever amount left till the next fight shows up.

During combat, the Chaos gauge will fill up gradually. Whenever you attack or suffer damage, the Chaos gauge will hit a brief spike in filling up. Whenever you perform a trigger effect, the Chaos gauge will be filled up by 3% of its maximum capacity. As a result (read: speed of gauge filling up), Thaumaturgy should not be seen as some kind of last resort tactic or super high damage desperation move (definitely not like this).

Once the Chaos gauge is full, you'll enter Chaotic mode where two options are available.

1. Letting it drain naturally. You deal more damage in this way.
2. Execute a Thaumaturgy power. Chaotic mode will end once you choose this option.

Next: Details on Focus effect, Self-heal, teleporting to Yggdrasil, and (hopefully) the stats which matter. Now if only I can rally my grey matter so that I can attempt a customisation system for Metallurgy and Thaumaturgy.

P.S: My dad is streaming his PRC vids while my sis is streaming her Korean vids. Which means I'm now facing two bandwidth gluttons for the price of one party bandwidth usage. For some funny reason, I really feel like a Japanese...

Yep, I've rolled another 20 for Will save. Do it like Archer, do it like Shirou.