Either way, this song below will most likely feature in my next chapter of A Requiem From Winter Past.
Spoiler: The manliest man in anime-manga culture is still... well, a man. A broken man, no less.
Below video is for those who think I'm being too cynical. *shrugs*
Spoiler: Archer is still unable to break himself free from the power binding him.
Lore focus: Wolves
There are those who say the world is nothing more than a dream, something materialised by slumbering gods. Whether such people are sages or madmen, no one knows. Of all the creatures existing, there are those seen as objects of taboo. For instance, crows are associated with death. Therefore, the sight of one during any wedding ceremony is always seen as an ill omen amounting to divorce or death. Then, there are wolves. Always associated with evils of every kind, be they lesser, greater, or middling, wolves have been the fulcrum of nightmarish tales. From children devoured to maidens ravished unto even how the world will end, these creatures have been effectively used as a deterrent to the wayward individual. Perhaps in an attempt to mock the self-righteous, there is a common saying amongst sellswords: A wolf knows best every man.
An average wolf on fours stands at slightly below hip level. However, larger ones are known to stand as tall as at the waist level. One wolf's body weight is more than enough to overpower an average human being, its jaws used for mauling and crushing bones. Wolves tend to hunt in packs ranging from ten to slightly less than twenty, their hunger always seemingly insatiable. Yet, their endurance is proven to be exceptional, to say the least. It is said that the least of any pack can go without food and water for a day or two while the stronger ones can last for slightly less than a week. Whether this has any grain of truth remains to be seen, for the human fear towards wolves understands no bounds.
Mannerism and lone wolves:
Like any beast and bird in the wild, wolves are fiercely territorial. The males are always ones doing the hunting, but the females are the ones protecting the den. Every pack has three tiers of hierarchy. The leader, also known as the alpha, leads the pack. The alpha is also the only member of the pack which has the right to mate and breed. As a result, the alpha male would always guard jealously every female member of the pack. The second tier is known as the beta. The role of a beta wolf serves as what a scholar would call a regent. Yet, it must be stated that the notion of a second-in-command is never existent in any pack. The alpha is the only authority in the pack. The beta's role is to take over the pack leadership in the event where the alpha is either dead or incapacitated (although the latter would always lead to the former). And that includes also the ownership over the females of the pack. The third tier is the gamma. This bottom level of the pack hierarchy refers to the rest of the pack, those who can only afford to follow the leader.
In terms of size, the alpha is always the largest and strongest. The beta will either be of the same size as the omega wolves or somewhere between the two. Either way, the beta is certainly the second strongest.
Lone wolves, on the other hand, are those driven from the pack. Also known as the omega, such a wolf tends to be a survivor of any power struggle where the loser was spared from death. In any pack, a code of honour is always practised. Strength represents two things: The right of leadership and the right of respect. For any omega, it is always the latter. But because insubordination is never an option, a rebel which has proven itself is forced to leave lest it gets attacked mercilessly by the rest of the pack.
Despite the apparent, lone wolves can easily be dangerous foes as one such animal is even more territorial than its peers. Left with nothing apart from the will to survive, such a beast is capable of putting up a fight more stubborn than any member of a pack or even a lion. As a result, hunters tend to shun wolves whenever they can. For neither dealing with the collective nor the individual is safe in every manner of the word.
How they hunt:
As hunters, wolves are known to be ferocious flankers. Unlike any type of pack felines, wolves do not rely on ambush. Instead, they would chase the prey after the alpha makes a howl. Experts in terrain navigation, every pack consists of two units. The first is known as the harrier unit. Always the majority half, the harrier unit is led by both the alpha and beta. The harriers are in charge of starting the chase and going for the kill. The second is known as the flanker unit. While flankers belong to the minority half, the timing of their attack in any hunt is always crucial to success. The flankers are never tasked with the killing the prey. Rather, their job is to either scatter or waylay (depending on whether the prey belongs to a group or a solitary one). Since leadership is always absolute in the pack, the flankers are only allowed to cripple the quarry with the harrier unit dealing the killing blow. In fact, scholars have recently started debating whether such an approach was the inspiration for cavalry tactics as we know it now.
Every hunt begins with a howl. This acts like a war horn where the call for battle is heard by both ally and foe. To maximise the efficiency of this call to hunt, the alpha is always seen standing on the high ground. Once the pack converges below the high ground, the alpha would descend from its perch, the hunt officially commenced.
Initially, both the harriers and flankers will run as a single unit. Should the hunt be in forest terrain, their aim will be to force the quarry into open ground, upon which the flankers will split from the pack. If it is in open terrain, then the flankers would be given free reign on when to split, the decision made seemingly in unison. If the prey is pursued on rocky ground, the flankers would move in advance in a separate unit.
Habitation and cultural impact:
Although never seen in the south due to its arid climate, wolves can be seen elsewhere. In the Furthest East, they are commonly seen at plains and plateaus. The same goes for those in Slarvea although Slarvean wolves tend to have bulkier physique compared to the athletic build of those in the land of Cinhas. In the Kalaran Empire, they are the least sighted due to civilisation expanding the fastest there. However, the Imperial Zoo still boast of a wolf or two. In the forests of Teutonia and mountains of Tamuria, the wolves thrive.
To the Cinhas, wolves are always hated. For they are commonly associated with avarice and political greed, two traits every Cinha detests most in any person. At the same time, Cinha superstitions have a very close association with animals where any form of contact would most likely result in the relevant reaction.
To the Tamurians, they are the symbol of individual strength and collective unity, two traits most appreciated in the Tamurian culture. As a result, Tamurians always leave behind the best portion of every kill for these creatures.
For the Causaceans, however, wolves are seen as more than dangerous critters needing to be culled. On one hand, the locals know too well the nightmarish tales, their minds and hearts accepting whatever told by minstrels and boasting bards. Farmers see them as a danger to their livestock and livelihood, a reaction rightfully warranted. Whether they are the main source of the aforementioned tales remains a subject of debate among intellectuals. Due to the farmers' woes, hunters see wolves as both a good chance to earn money while avoiding them if no reason for conflict can be found.
At the same time, wolves form an integral part of the Causacean culture. For instance, it is commonly said that Justicar Lleric I, the first ruler of the originally unified Causacea, was nursed by a female wolf which had lost her pups before finally adopted by a farmer's family. During his battles against the invading Tamurians and Sudhlits, he was tasked with commandeering the cavalry, his banner of choice being a howling wolf encircled by an olive wreath. In fact, the consensus among scholars is that even though there is no proof of any supernatural or emotional connection, the strategy employed by the wolves had served as an inspiration. Justicar Eylia, the only female ruler and fourth monarch of Causacea, was known to have a wolf's nature according to the historian Skopios Tacticus, a trait used to describe a headstrong and unruly personality. Her only son also inherited such a trait. Unlike his mother, this became the reason for his untimely death via an accident due to a dare. As a result, her husband, Consort Jak Valdis, had to protect the family via political machinations lest untimely disaster obliterated the royal lineage.
Every hunt begins with a howl. This acts like a war horn where the call for battle is heard by both ally and foe. To maximise the efficiency of this call to hunt, the alpha is always seen standing on the high ground. Once the pack converges below the high ground, the alpha would descend from its perch, the hunt officially commenced.
Initially, both the harriers and flankers will run as a single unit. Should the hunt be in forest terrain, their aim will be to force the quarry into open ground, upon which the flankers will split from the pack. If it is in open terrain, then the flankers would be given free reign on when to split, the decision made seemingly in unison. If the prey is pursued on rocky ground, the flankers would move in advance in a separate unit.
Habitation and cultural impact:
Although never seen in the south due to its arid climate, wolves can be seen elsewhere. In the Furthest East, they are commonly seen at plains and plateaus. The same goes for those in Slarvea although Slarvean wolves tend to have bulkier physique compared to the athletic build of those in the land of Cinhas. In the Kalaran Empire, they are the least sighted due to civilisation expanding the fastest there. However, the Imperial Zoo still boast of a wolf or two. In the forests of Teutonia and mountains of Tamuria, the wolves thrive.
To the Cinhas, wolves are always hated. For they are commonly associated with avarice and political greed, two traits every Cinha detests most in any person. At the same time, Cinha superstitions have a very close association with animals where any form of contact would most likely result in the relevant reaction.
To the Tamurians, they are the symbol of individual strength and collective unity, two traits most appreciated in the Tamurian culture. As a result, Tamurians always leave behind the best portion of every kill for these creatures.
For the Causaceans, however, wolves are seen as more than dangerous critters needing to be culled. On one hand, the locals know too well the nightmarish tales, their minds and hearts accepting whatever told by minstrels and boasting bards. Farmers see them as a danger to their livestock and livelihood, a reaction rightfully warranted. Whether they are the main source of the aforementioned tales remains a subject of debate among intellectuals. Due to the farmers' woes, hunters see wolves as both a good chance to earn money while avoiding them if no reason for conflict can be found.
At the same time, wolves form an integral part of the Causacean culture. For instance, it is commonly said that Justicar Lleric I, the first ruler of the originally unified Causacea, was nursed by a female wolf which had lost her pups before finally adopted by a farmer's family. During his battles against the invading Tamurians and Sudhlits, he was tasked with commandeering the cavalry, his banner of choice being a howling wolf encircled by an olive wreath. In fact, the consensus among scholars is that even though there is no proof of any supernatural or emotional connection, the strategy employed by the wolves had served as an inspiration. Justicar Eylia, the only female ruler and fourth monarch of Causacea, was known to have a wolf's nature according to the historian Skopios Tacticus, a trait used to describe a headstrong and unruly personality. Her only son also inherited such a trait. Unlike his mother, this became the reason for his untimely death via an accident due to a dare. As a result, her husband, Consort Jak Valdis, had to protect the family via political machinations lest untimely disaster obliterated the royal lineage.
Lore focus: Timekeeping
The concept of time is commonly believed as something inherent within any living being. In fact, the concept of time was widely synonymous with life and death during the Age of Renown. Just like there is a time for all things, there is a time for death to arrive. Just like how time progresses without turning back, such is every being's living years. Like how time waits for no one, the world has never revolved around any individual or entity. Therefore, it is still commonly said that time itself is, in essence, the soul.
How time is kept:
There are a few terms used. Namely, seconds, minutes, hours, days, cycles, months, seasons, and years.
Seconds are defined by brief moments. Examples include an arrow loosed, a short sprint, and fireworks going off. Minutes are defined by prolonged actions over a short period. Examples include pouring water from a pitcher, a short walk, and the average conversation duration. Hours are defined by prolonged actions over a longer period. Basically, anything being done within a day, yet not considered as over a short period, fits the standard. Due to the difference in perception in every individual, it must be stated that one person's standard in terms of minutes and hours can differ greatly from another. As for seconds, however, the consensus is there due to a common view on what defines the truly brief. Be it second, minute, or hour, usage of singular and plural is always interchangeable as the understanding of time in this context is nothing more than a concept.
A day is defined by the sun rising. Also known as the Eternal Courtship of Hati and Sköll in some quarters of the world, a day is only deemed to have ended once the sun rises again the second time. In other words, the presence of night is also included in a single day. Therefore, one must be discerning when understanding the concept of a single day, for it can mean either literally one or the presence of daylight.
A cycle is defined by seven days in total. A month is defined by four cycles in total. One season means three months while a year is made up of four seasons.
Four seasons and birthdays:
In Nordeas (i.e. what used to be the unified Causasea) and the Furthest East, a year is defined by four seasons. Spring lasts for the first three months. Summer lasts for the next three months. Unlike the first two seasons, autumn lasts for five months while winter lasts only for a month. Due to how the seasons last, winter is also known to be the harshest part of every year, a symbol representing the inescapability of death and the promise of life starting anew. For the same reason, autumn is also synonymous with the foreboding of all things coming to an end.
As for the concept of a birthday, how it is calculated differs from one people to another. For the Kalarans and Slarvs, a person's age is measured by the number of winters as winter is seen as the end of every year. For the Teutonians, age is defined by the number of summers as summer is seen as a symbol of being alive. For the Cinhas, age is calculated by the number of springs, for spring represents new beginnings.
For Tamurians and Sudhlits, age is merely stated according to the number of years. This is due to Tamuria and the South experiencing only the sun and moon.
Hati and Sköll:
Hati represents the night while Sköll represents the day. Despite not being widely used now, these two terms are still recognised as legitimate references. Interestingly, Hati is the male half of day itself while Sköll is regarded as the female half. This has baffled scholars for countless years as dawn is always seen as the dominant half while the night is the supporting half.
However, one theory which has become most widely accepted points to an unspecified era seeing night as the dominant half with dawn being the supporting half. Whether this is referring to the Age of Renown or any other era hence after remains a question waiting to be answered.
Lore focus: Vánagandr
However, I won't change the names of certain characters for a reason. I could have changed names like Emma Watts Eliaden and Emhylea von Stormhearth. The only catch? I've effectively trapped myself like Harry Houdini Pot (don't bother Googling for this guy since he's most likely #fakenews). Kagetsu no Hyo'Ah is visually based on a Korean celebrity named BoA while Alestrial Eliaden is visually based on another Korean celebrity named Park Shin-hye. Guess I'll still be given the McGowan Roast nevertheless.
Where these beings hailed from is never known. While the racial enigma called the Vánagandr can be seen every now and then, it was only recent decades ago that they were officially recognised as actual beings instead of objects of mythology and speculated sightings. While history has never accounted for their origin, it is worthy of note that unofficial records of their existence were dated as early as the aftermath of the War of the Three Thrones. It was also an era where tales of demons first emerged albeit intellectuals have always derided such stories as old wives' tales meant to scare the gullible and children into doing good.
Where in the name...:
Vánagandr is definitely not a name the current era is accustomed to. The elves, however, seem to have a certain knowledge concerning them. Whether it is because of any racial connection is something never revealed despite both races sharing common features, for both people have always kept a distance from each other. Indeed the only thing separating the Vánagandr from the Homm'Nua lies in the colour of their hair, which is always as white as winter snow.
Scholars studying elven culture have occasionally pointed out that Vánagandr is possibly a name meant to remember a specific individual. In fact, the Teutonian fief of Ván where they now reside never went by that name originally. According to the History of Three Kingdoms written by the historian Tabarius Glayn, Edmonte II, the High Lord during that time, sealed a royal edict giving the fief of Gastony as "a gesture of goodwill and sincerity towards my friend Gandr de Morte. He who fought for my honour undeservedly stained and nearly lost". According to the text, present before ruler and nobles were elven sellswords led by a female known only as Lokarina the Knife.
Per her request, Gastony was renamed as Ván, which incidentally was one of the twenty-six runes used by "every being of non-human birth". As for this Gandr de Morte was, it is widely accepted that he was most likely the leader before Lokarina assumed the position. Concerning his fate, some said he might have left behind his followers to pursue a life of peace while others insisted that he most likely died a violent death since it was implied that he's a sellsword. Either way, anything written beyond the boundaries of history can never ever be verified.
The few who have witnessed how these individuals fight attested to the seemingly insane: They possess the ability to teleport at will. At the same time, their technique is one of refined savagery where bestial aggression, fluid strokes, and lethal force are involved.
At the same time, it is whispered that they have the ability to mask themselves. Most likely via some sort of magic, they are said to have the innate ability to cast some sort of illusion over themselves where they can effectively assume the guise of any visage of any race.
As for the most absurd of claims, rumours have it that they are intended as a natural counterforce against demons, that this has always been the only reason for their existence. A statement which has earned many a sneering look from scholars and the knowledgeable.
Okay, I have to apologise for the fact that the above )0( isn't aligned correctly. The Blogger interface can be really dodgy at times and I don't know why. In the past, copy and paste would solve the trick. Now, not even this approach works. What you see is the evidence of what I said is true. Period. For some funny reason, prolonged usage has always resulted in this. Weird.
At the same time, I've decided not to upload anything relating to Hollywood for the time being (i.e. for an indefinite period). The reason why being that... well, I just feel I need to do something after stating certain facts concerning the whole #WhyWeWearBlack movement. Not here, but on Facebook. When I said anything relating to Hollywood, I mean stuff like movie clips and site links. In fact, this standard will be extended to any non-Hollywood showbiz as well for a reason. Knowing my tendency to perform reckless showmanship, however, I can only hope the likes of Rose McGowan won't roast me alive for being hypocritical where future posts are concerned (read: I'll need to constantly remind myself of what I've written today).
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The fact that I can align this one properly is proof that Blogger interface is truly dodgy.
Also, pergi mampus is something Rose McGowan would say to Weinstein if she understands Malay.
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