Neverwinter Six the game
Any and every concept developed by yours truly in any game remains as my intellectual property. If you want to steal my ideas, I'm pretty sure I won't have the money to hire anyone from Drew & Napier. I decided that whatever gaming concept for the Neverwinter Six will be done in this blog. Of course, this also includes any gaming concept for any given series as well, not just the Neverwinter Six.
A list of labels
Please note that the list should not be seen as final since I tend to add things as they come along.
The Crucible
My personal thoughts, my personal creativity. Also includes my opinions on random stuff every now and then. Originally known as Heracles gone mad.
Basically all about random music I like. Current format consists of songs we're most likely familiar with in any way or form, after which I'll dump in my own favorite ones as a form of reply. Occasionally will do a post on my own poetry as well.
Every gaming concept in any way and form. Apart from the Neverwinter Six, perhaps I will eventually add the new ones like Trinity Blood, random card games, etc. Oh, I need to stress forth the point that I've yet to give up on Les Scélérats. If you don't get me on this part, let's just say that this is my own "way" of getting the attention of a certain Mr Lee.
Dusk and Steel
It's official, ladies and gentlemen. I decided to challenge myself by doing a clean version of what G.R.R Martin has done all the while. I've yet to decide the format for posts under this label, but I guess that's where the fun part comes, huh? It's either that or this label will be self-explanatory (read: the real Dusk and Steel saga).
It has yet to be concluded
I believe I've mentioned before a certain case of coroner's inquiry over the apparent suicide of a secondary school student. Because I'm not interested in talking about other people, be they dead or alive, hence I am not going to up the relevant article(s). If you want to be curious, Google will be your best friend (unless of course if you happen to be in China. Which in this case would most likely make you a genius if you can access my blog under this situation).
While I can never profess myself as someone in the exact circumstances, I have to admit that the near 20 years of my past was anything but good to me. For the first half or so, I've yet to know Christ. Throughout the second half, I ended up struggling with porn addiction and whatever inner demons haunting me ever since people start ostracizing me in Primary Five.
As such, I lost my direction for many years. As early as Secondary Two, I realized I may have a flair for writing. Sadly, the education system had yet to mature enough to recognize the merit of becoming the next J.R.R Tolkien. After all, every Singaporean enjoyed reading novels done by foreign talents instead of local talents back then. I will be the first one to say that if I was in Gan Eng Seng School (i.e. the secondary school I was at) like maybe ten years ago, perhaps my lot would have turned out differently. No one discovered what I could do, even my own father sneered at my so-called talent. At the end of the day, it seems that being a writer was no different from being a road sweeper.
I still recall clearly that during my Primary Three days at Henderson Primary School, Mrs Fong (i.e. the principal back then) said we were to have some kind of screening exam. This was to discern which students were gifted. I saw that as my chance to prove myself (although granted I've yet to enter the crucible which scarred me for good). As it turned out, I failed the cut. I passed the English paper, I nearly passed the Maths paper. I thought "well, it seems that I'm not gifted after all."
No one actually told me God may have created me to be a late bloomer type of genius, let alone the fact that Vincent van Gogh was no different from a nobody during his living years.
Demons revisited
The stigma is still very real. There are times where people saw me as annoying. Like a talking machine gun, if you prefer to see things this way. This created problems for me because I can only learn how to step on the accelerator or the brakes. No middle ground. In fact, there was this time where a girl working in the retail pharmacy was so annoyed by my low EQ, she basically snapped due to stress. I ended up in a very messy state. I ended up stomping the floor and screaming like a madman. I couldn't take the treatment because I was thrown back into my days of living hell where I had to suffer in silence. If not for a kindhearted girl in Facebook offering me some semblance of comfort via a comic strip of sort, I wouldn't know how long I can recover from the trauma. To be honest, it could have been worse if not for my Christian faith giving me strength. After all, even a man of God should be seen as merely... well, a man.
Fantastic Fantasy: From heroic to not so heroic
Initially, I dabbled in heroic fantasy. This was also that period of time where I encountered the likes of Ren o'the Blade and Drizzt Do'Urden, Belgarion and Sparhawk. Interestingly enough, I remembered reading a simplified version of the novel Ivanhoe (by Sir Walter Scott) in my secondary school days where every student had to read a book of his/her choice during assembly. As early as Primary Three (or Four), I finished reading the simplified version of the Water Margin. Which basically alarmed my Chinese teacher to no end because I used certain scenarios in that novel to do my Chinese sentence composition homework (i.e. 造句). After all, the plot was all about one hundred and eight heroic individuals fighting against social injustice and a corrupted government.
One challenge I've experienced in the process was questioning myself whether the legalism within the church was acceptable before God. When it comes to fantasy, the whole "do not touch this!" and "do not touch that!" never failed to leave me totally flabbergasted. In this current world, the television is already great enough a peril for kids and impressionable youths. Assuming fantasy to be a spiritual hazard is no different from killing people with your grandfather's AK47 shortly after watching your last CSI episode. The only catch? I'm pretty sure many Christians have actually watched CSI.
If someone desires to honor God with his/her personal standards in matters beyond what is black and white in the Bible, I have no problem respecting that person's right to do so. Assuming the human standard as God's standard, however, is no different from idolatry if you're to ask me.
Sadly, I was struggling to keep my head above the water back then. Thankfully, I never caved in when it comes to the legalistic demands of the modern day Pharisees.
Enough about my sad story. Onto what makes me gravitate towards the dark and gritty end. When you've been in a bust-up state long enough, the cold hard truth propagated by an equally cold hard world can mess you up in varying extent. When we talk about problematic youths, two examples come to mind; the rich ones and the troubled ones. Either way, there is a demon in every one of us. It will never look like what we imagined on television. I can still recall an interesting question in my Warcraft III official artbook where the Orcs section asked' "When a monster looks into the mirror, does it see a monster?"
This question can and will go both ways. Not only does it portray the humanity for what it is, it also portrays us for what we are. Say for example the Wee Shu Min disaster. It's very easy for us to castigate one individual, no matter how justified we claim our cause to be. But what if we end up doing another "unrelated" thing within the next twenty-four hours?
Above paragraph is 100% related to why I'm quite partial towards dark fantasy. When you have seen enough evil and plenty of animals walking on two legs instead of four, you'll run the risk of being cynical. I've been betrayed by people whom I regarded as friends in secondary school and ITE, I have no intention to repay evil for evil. However, the scars are already there. If you haven't looked hard enough, it means you do not know me. The scars have ensured that I will remain emotionally damaged beyond repair. However, it also means I have seen a lot of things with far greater clarity as a result. I will not say humanity should just burn in hell, but I will never tell a lie by saying humanity is all about roses, unicorns, and chasing after the rainbow (unless you see a pot of gold at the other end).
P.S: Because I spent too much time ranting, it basically means I do not have the time to write that most important 2nd half. So yes, you will surely see a part 2 unless God decides to call me home.
Sometimes, the difference between the Hollywood movies we like and the childish anime we looked down upon can be quite ironic.
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