"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Thursday, 18 August 2016

ネバーウィンターの勇者伝説~Concepts of something already existent [Mk II]

Okay, I've yet to start my analysis on how awesome  the combat hunter ranger tree has gotten this time round. At the same time, I'm currently waiting for the current patch to hit home so that I can see for myself whether a hellbinder temptress is a better fit for Kariss (both gameplay and character wise). Suffice to say, I wasn't willing to burn 116K astral diamonds for a feats-boons respec even thought there's no actual reason for me to burn 7 Savras tokens for a resepc token (then again, there's no reason for me to spend the Savras tokens generally speaking as well). By next week (hopefully), I'll give my personal take on both Arylos and Kariss' character (gameplay) developments.
(note: I won't be touching on the new campaign for a while until Myrreas completes Icewind Dale).

[Add note: Hopefully the new rewritten version of A Requiem from Winter Past will be upped before this weekend]

Hence for now, I'll be doing this below...

Don't we all love moral choices? This November, moral choices will be made and America will never be the same again. If you think that's a joke, then you're sorely wrong. If you think voting is not about making moral choices, then I need to ask who is your god (if you happen to abstain due to your own freedom of [moral] choice, then I don't have to ask who is your god).

Enough about foreign politics, let's go onto moral choices in ネバーウィンターの勇者伝説. Because this is not the Witcher series, therefore there's only this much I can work with the freedom of moral choice. Because this is not a video gaming version of A Song of Ice and Fire, there's nothing much I can do about the freedom of moral choice. Definitely I don't have any freedom of movement since this not my very own 餓狼の鎮魂曲 (wait, Requiem of the Lone Wolf sounds better than Requiem from Winter Past...).

There are two ways to decide your characters' moral alignment. 
1. Moral choices in-game. This applies to your default, unlockable, and DLC characters.
2. Having the freedom of choice to be good, evil, or neutral. Don't we all love rolling for the stats while deciding everything else?

I'll touch on the first aspect here (since the second aspect is all about Steel and Magic, Heroes and Villains).

D&D anyone?

D&D not as in your department's Dinner & Dance even though you and your other two BFFs happen to be colleagues as well. D&D not as in Dungeons & Dragons even if either Jason Mraz or JJ Lin happens to be your DM. D&D is all about Deals & Decisions. When you deal with a person, you're interacting with that person. When you have to make decisions concerning a person, it means you're dealing with that person. There are two ways to put yourself into a point of moral choice.
1. The relevant skill checks (i.e. Bluff, Intimidation. and Diplomacy)
2. Direct Q&A (i.e. MCQ. If you don't know what is MCQ, it means you've most likely failed in life)

Note that the two factors can overlap. For example, you can run a skill check, only to realize there's a social MCQ waiting for you.  Then there will also be other moments where either a skill check or a Q&A is enough to settle the issue.

Moral choices will affect a few things. Namely...
1. Unlocking of side-quests
2. Bonus stuff (read: freebies)
3. One thing leading to another (read: various manners of recommendation)
4. Whether that person will be your friend or enemy (read: either you earn yourself a comrade or foe)
5. Chances of starting a free-for-all (read: self-explanatory)
6. Whether your ending will suck (read: only in certain circumstances, not always or even often)

Various story modes

I really like this song. And it doesn't help that Nasu Kinoko is known for stuff like thisthis and this. In the Neverwinter Six saga, the story mode will focus on the titular characters.Separated into six parts, you'll need to complete Arylos' path in order to unlock other characters' respective story mode where the remaining Five will be automatically unlocked. At the same time, there's also the chance of choosing which character to use in the scenario where more than one of the Six are present. However, you must complete the relevant portions before being able to do so. Another alternative will be to replay the quest once you've completed that particular character's story mode. Below are the character paths available:

~Left Hand of Kelemvor~
This is Arylos' path. Chronicling his life from his days with Eldreth Veluuthra, his journey would one day lead him to the Neverwinter Wood. From there, Neverwinter would eventually witness a manner of hero never seen since the days of Lord Nasher Alagondar. A person living in constant conflict, Arylos could never understand a peaceful life beyond the battlefield.

A/N: Because I don't want to accidentally add a personal touch to the whole big evil boss, I decided to alter the name from Isil to Isrin.

~Fist of Torm~
This is Bhaasmond Taran's story starting from his early years as part of the Flaming Fists. From there onward, the half-orc would eventually meet a soldier named Wilfred whose untimely demise would entwine the fate of the Jewel of the North with his. Being an unwanted product of rape, Bhaasmond sought to find his own self-worth as the ultimate aim.

A/N: Bhaasmond's path is the only one where the prologue stage of Neverwinter Online becomes legit in-game.

~Image of Mystra~
Cyrea Durothil's route. From her early years of self-imposed exile in Cormanthor to her days amongst the Lords' Alliance, the daughter of the prestigious House Durothil has seen much in a brutally flawed world still recovering from the Spellplague. Having decided that Neverwinter was far more of a home compared to Evermeet, her presence went a long way in stabilizing the previously fractured relationship between Dagult Neverember and the Harpers. As one understanding loss in its entirety, Cyrea strived not let the same tragedy befalling unto others.

A/N: Cyrea's path will begin straightaway at Neverwinter. At the same time, she's already a member of the Lords' Alliance by the start of the game. Per implied by her story mode title, I'm planning to integrate Mystra into her storyline. Maybe it's not so bad an idea to ditch the plan for a Tiamat set and give her a Sigil of the Controller instead (read: Tiamat set is more useful for righteous spec imo).

To be cont'd... b/c my brain is shutting down after days of late night adrenaline.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

ネバーウィンターの勇者伝説~Concepts of something already existent [Pt I]

If you still remember what I've written in Garou Central, it means you most likely knew already that I enjoy designing gaming concepts. In fact, I've already started doing so in my first blog (i.e. the defunct That Random Blade. No thanks to the fact that I never got that password reset for my previous Google account, hence having to start from the scratch again).

Just last Friday, the one game every S'porean was looking forward to (either that or dreaded most) arrived in the full glory of lightning bolts and yellow critters. Like it or not, it's thanks to Pokémon GO that the SPF has to get busy working again. So much for doing a Finding Nessie.
Or even Finding Kappa for that matter.
Doesn't every local S'porean girl like her bf to be intelligent?

To highlight the Tesla power of Pikachu and Raichu (or just abt every critter in the list)...
...every S'porean got caught up in the frenzy. Okay, not all. Also not literally since I'm pretty sure Private Ryan Shawcross won't end up crossing beyond either Tuas or Woodlands. Actually come to think of it, should we just equate the game with the term "Tesla girl" even though I don't know what that means?

Either way, I'm still interested to see whether the Prime Minister of Far Far East will be willing to work with yours truly (more specifically, it's the other way round).

Pressing the (basic) buttons
Intended for the PS4 and Xbox One, I won't be surprised if Nintendo will be included as well (I'm saying this because the Nintendo console interface in general has a history of being... well, quite literally different). Hopefully, history won't repeat itself for the sake of the better good of the relevant industry. Yes, I know I talk a lot for a normal human being (mainly because I'm born abnormal. A fact which not many people around me have been willing to accept). So allow me to simplify every word in a single meme.

Because I'm currently too lazy...
...I decided to use the PS interface. Before I do so, let me just explain some of the changes intended compared to last time round.

1. There will only be two at-will powers available in the beginning. At the same time, only four encounter powers, one class feature, and one daily power can be available in the beginning as well.

2. You can unlock additional powers during the 4th, 10th, and 20th level respectively.

3. Gameplay interface will be streamlined. This is due to the difficulty level of incorporating pen and paper in video games too damn high.

4. Two buttons will be reserved for potions and scrolls respectively.

5. I don't know whether this is considered a change since my memory isn't 100% photographic, but this time round I'm opting for the ARPG approach instead of the standard turn based genre.

I'll be thinking over about whatever turn based aspects possible for this game. Just treat it as the ARPG genre until then. Or even any U-turn decision.

At-will power 1

At-will power 2



Please note that you can only slot in 1 type of potion and 1 type of scroll in the respective slots.

Paragon and Prestige
Every character can choose a paragon class upon level 20. Upon reaching level 40, prestige classes will be unlocked. While there are only minimal restrictions concerning choosing a paragon class (apart from the choice of starting class of course), prestige classes carry forth specific requirements. Hence, it's actually possible for a character NOT to be under any prestige class.

When you create a character, you also choose that character's starting class. That starting class will decide which paragon classes are available. Every class will be two paragon classes to choose from.

As for prestige class, this is something not relevant to your character's class. Rather, it's all about specific requirements.

That one thing every S'porean must be good at
If you're a S'porean just like me, it means you must not be like me (unless you happened to be a genius like me). In other words, I can't multi-task. Whenever you went for job interviews, most likely the interviewer would expect you to be some sort of wizard.

Multi-classing is an option. To multi-class, your character must reach at least level 12. At the same time, you can only level up your secondary class per every 4 levels of your default class. If you desire more than just 1 secondary class, you'll need to obtain a prestige class. Whether you end up having 1 secondary class or 2, you can only choose to level up the class of your choice (i.e. both the starting class and the secondary one[s]). Whatever your choice, just make sure you don't end up like this.
Guess who really wins in the end?
More to come...
Focus is dropping more than just a wee bit now. Originally, my plan was to upload the first rewritten chapter of A Requiem from Winter Past. However, my brain was a tad too hyperactive due to the abnormal way my brain works. In fact, I'll need to cram a few things within this week. After all, my beloved team in red (i.e. Boro, not my local national football team) will be facing Stoke this weekend. If Alan Shearer thinks Boro will be relegated, then it's my mission to defeat him (i.e. I know what I'm capable of, definitely not this). Hopefully, I can start touching on the First Amendment aspect of the game next.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Nothing but the truth...

It's been truly quite an eventful 4 years. Ever since I started blogging in my now defunct That Random Blade, things have been quite unreal. From April 2012 until now, the prospect of being under the global microscope still feels unreal. From other people's proactive attitude amounting to positivity to my knowledge of a certain girl still waiting for me to be her boyfriend, it's been a funny ride. Everyone is currently acting dumb, I'm still that Truman Burbank of the Singaporean Truman Show. I'm under no illusions that every Singaporean knows how I look like, I already knew the name Kuok Minghui has been going around the world for way more than eighty days. As for my churchmates, I knew right from the start that they're forced to play dumb as well. While I do not know exactly the reason why (albeit I have made a guess or two), one thing I know for sure is that they're still telling me (in their own way of course) that their beloved little bro has become an unofficial global celebrity waiting to be made official. It still feels absolutely unreal (not to mention weird), but I understand that behind every unnatural reaction lies a natural reason. And that includes why I'm so daring now in pursuing that girl whom I know is still waiting for me in this manner below.

A/N: Garou Central won't be back unless there's a compelling reason for me to do a Soulforged effect on it. Period. When I said I wanted to start afresh with a new style, I mean it.

A message of congratulations...
...to my beloved sister in Christ, U. I once asked half jokingly when are you going to turn pro in being a harpist. Apparently, you're more interested in playing the harp as a form of hobby. Thinking back on my days in church since day one (i.e. from 2000 onwards), I realized I've been both stupid and misunderstood. Stupid because I truly ended up doing plenty of stupid things. Misunderstood because I'm still pretty sure nobody knew the reason behind my stupidity. And that includes my own family. No friends, only acquaintances. Got family, but no family members. Desired to have girlfriend, every of my ideal choice (both in church and otherwise) made me understood that I was never good enough. Fast forward to 2016 and I'll most likely be spending my National Day alone. Difference is, I now have God to spend it with me. This has to be the closest thing to Moses spending forty years in the wilderness of Midian and Elijah spending his time alone in the Kerith Ravine, definitely the closest thing to David's eight years in exile. This is not a boast, this is an expression of my own experience.

So to those whom I've troubled greatly due to my immaturity (I know there's at least that one girl in church whom I've had a crush on), I can only say sorry. If there's anything I could have done, most likely I'd have known by now. I know there are those happily attached and those happily married. Then there are those who are still single and waiting for a man ten times better than me. For the lack of better words used, I'm more than happy to give you all my blessings.

My aforementioned beloved sister in Christ actually shared this on her FB page. Not in public view of course. Then I started asking myself this question: What if this group of talented people is to perform songs we'd never expect?

Below are my personal choices. Enjoy. ;)

I can (truthfully) assure every jumpy (and nosey) individual that U is NOT one of those I've got a crush on. Period. That's why the title of this post is "Nothing but the truth...", not "Nothing but the PRC..."

C'mon, you think I'me being real in upping this one?
Only two reasons for me to do this little piece of nonsense:
1. For her because I know she's a Chouder.
2. For me because a genius is always born abnormal.

Now for the real (?) playlist

Of course must have Korean also...

Yes, I've upped this song before. Period.

At the same time, someone in my church actually piqued my interest in all things Korean and Three Kingdoms combined. In other words, it's thanks to him that I know what Silla was all about.

Of course must also have angmoh also what...

I'll be brutally frank here. It was accidentally thanks to my youth fellowship N years ago which brought me to this song above. Moral of the story? It's still not too late to know how abnormal I truly am provided you're daring enough.

This one is definitely one of my all time favourites. Period.

Because it's really running late at night, allow me to round off this post with two more songs.

Yes, that's the same song in the first video. Another one of my all time favourites.

I know this piece sounds quite dark. Trust me when I say I'm officially someone who is emotionally damaged beyond repair.

P.S: Four years ago, the same brethren who taught me a wee bit about Silla actually made a joke mention about me and some radiographer. At the same time, he made another joke about me which was(?) inspired by Prof Yi Zhongtian. All in good humour of course...

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

La Émissaire de Neverwinter

Okay, gonna do a brief post on Arylos' love interest. However, this post won't be the end of everything so as to speak. For now, I need to get my biological clock back to normal mode.

The problem with being a genius...
It's a common knowledge that geniuses tend to be jerks. They are mavericks who won't hesitate to make life difficult for those whom they look down upon. They're not necessarily dictators, but they don't really have a good opinion on idiots. They have low EQ as a result, perhaps this is why they tend to lose their virginity late (after all, you don't need to be a genius to get a girlfriend). Seeing my churchmates getting married actually gave me a surreal feeling. It's like looking at myself and how I've dealt with the opposite sex all the while. Then I looked at what I can truly do. My only conclusion? I was born a genius. Unfortunately, the girls whom I had a crush on didn't know the real me back then. *shrugs*

Okay, I'm digressing...
There are times when I felt that my personality truly reflects a certain wolf. Then there are times when I realized I should just kick myself.
Trust the Japanese to be aesthetically prideful...
Really like this artwork of Belgarath and Poledra

Let's continue to Cyrea Durothil.

Worst kept secret ever...
There's a reason why I chose to do quite a few major spoilers for the Neverwinter Six saga. Because I'm pretty sure Ed Greenwood won't take notice of me. Funnily enough, it seems that the people at Cryptic and the Neverwinter Online community do. Since day one of playing Sword Coast Adventures, I realized there would be moments where the interface will go buggy either for the better or worse (mostly better). I received requests to join a small party at random moments where the requestor needs some help (read: I won't be surprised if I'm already a marked target for those seeking help. Not that I mind anyway...). And yes, the only difference between my surname Kuok and Kwok lies in the birdman.

If I'm not so much of a jerk in reality, it merely means my alter-ego hero of Neverwinter is. While I'm not about to say whether he has lost his virginity (after all, he's a genius), Arylos doesn't have a good opinion on others who don't agree with him. He's no Amos Yee, who would most likely disagree with people whom he deems stupid (to be fair, history do have a fair share of geniuses hitting a crash and burn. The key word is the one starting with the alphabet G). His problem lies with people who doesn't see the world like he does. To him, reality is merely an excuse for people to act like jerks (which is why he's actually one). Plenty of people doesn't like him. Either he's too abrasive (please note that most abrasive people we meet in reality are merely normal Joes and Janes out to make themselves feel better) or he's deemed a failure in life (something which his own people shouldn't be doing and saying, yet they actually do).

Out of the Six, only Kariss is able to communicate decently with him (and by that, I mean their common past). Myrreas is a fifty-fifty (as in Arylos doesn't care). Sheallyn is always worrying about him, but he doesn't give a damn as well (proof of someone damaged beyond repair like this fellow). Bhaasmond quite obviously can't wrap a finger around how someone like Arylos could become a hero of Neverwinter, something which that military genius can't be bothered with (proof of his Lancer complex).

So what about Cyrea? Actually, it's a bit like this vid below...

Inspiration for Cyrea Durothil
The name Durothil first surfaced before me during my first ever Respen's Marvelous Game run. When I decided to delve further (after all, I'm born an abnormal Singaporean due to a natural need to be inquisitive), I realized that Durothil is actually the name of a noble house. Traditionally, sun elves are the nobility class among the Tel-quessir (ironically, it's the moon elves which truly resembles the eladrin). House Durothil could be seen as a major noble house in this context. In other words, the nobility amongst the nobility.

Basically, this means two things.
1. Respen is both noble and crazy.
2. This gave me the inspiration to create Cyrea as a character.

If the Tel-quessir can be seen as a parallel to the Singaporean educational system, then the Or-tel-quessir would be the equivalent of an ITE graduate from the Dover campus while the Ar-tel-quessir would be the equivalent of a university graduate from Charles Sturt University (despite that It's The End scene in Jack Neo's satirical movie I Not Stupid, reality dictates another bunch of people better known as secondary school dropouts. They're called the Sy-tel-quessir).

While only overly intelligent people would speculate whether Arylos will declare himself as Cyrea's sword and bow, it must be stated that the exchange between Archer and Rin actually exposed a bit on my plans for their initial conflict. Like Rin, Cyrea is beautiful, rich, and intelligent. Like Archer, Arylos doesn't have a good opinion on a rich girl who lives somewhat a sheltered life (read: not quite literally, but definitely a sheltered life in terms of how reality is perceived). I don't have to spell out for you the chemistry formula prepared.

Her name is Cyrea
The funny thing with Cyrea is the fact that DDR (i.e. the X-ray department) itself should deserve some credit. I still remember a couple of times where there's this X-ray girl (i.e. a radiographer) called... well, I don't know how to write her name. What I do know is that there's this healthcare attendant calling her name as some word rhyming with cereal. It's quite funny because I never imagined there's actually a name that sounds like a product of Kellogg's (if that girl will be reading this post, it means I'm most likely famous already). Just don't ask me whether that cereal girl will become my girlfriend.

The Lords' Alliance
One of the key aspects in Cyrea's role lies in the Lords' Alliance. Better known as a council of the rich and powerful (yes, I know it sounds like *insert your favorite political party here*), it should be stated that House Durothil would rather end up like House Do'Urden (or just about any noble house in Menzoberranzan) than to have any part to play in the petty politics of equally petty races. In other words, there's no practical reason for Cyrea to be part of them. However, human stupidity has always been part and parcel of our everyday lives. We're prone to human error, the same goes for every politician as well. In other words, I need to find a legit way to justify her presence among the Lords' Alliance. Definitely not like this.

P.S: My dad is making noise after he woke up just now. What is intended to be a harmless toilet trip may have easily turned to be another show of evidence that his son was really born a genius. Sadly, it seems that he never know about it. Nearing 3 am already by the way...