The problem with being a genius...
It's a common knowledge that geniuses tend to be jerks. They are mavericks who won't hesitate to make life difficult for those whom they look down upon. They're not necessarily dictators, but they don't really have a good opinion on idiots. They have low EQ as a result, perhaps this is why they tend to lose their virginity late (after all, you don't need to be a genius to get a girlfriend). Seeing my churchmates getting married actually gave me a surreal feeling. It's like looking at myself and how I've dealt with the opposite sex all the while. Then I looked at what I can truly do. My only conclusion? I was born a genius. Unfortunately, the girls whom I had a crush on didn't know the real me back then. *shrugs*
Okay, I'm digressing...
There are times when I felt that my personality truly reflects a certain wolf. Then there are times when I realized I should just kick myself.
Let's continue to Cyrea Durothil.
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Trust the Japanese to be aesthetically prideful... Really like this artwork of Belgarath and Poledra |
Worst kept secret ever...
There's a reason why I chose to do quite a few major spoilers for the Neverwinter Six saga. Because I'm pretty sure Ed Greenwood won't take notice of me. Funnily enough, it seems that the people at Cryptic and the Neverwinter Online community do. Since day one of playing Sword Coast Adventures, I realized there would be moments where the interface will go buggy either for the better or worse (mostly better). I received requests to join a small party at random moments where the requestor needs some help (read: I won't be surprised if I'm already a marked target for those seeking help. Not that I mind anyway...). And yes, the only difference between my surname Kuok and Kwok lies in the birdman.
If I'm not so much of a jerk in reality, it merely means my alter-ego hero of Neverwinter is. While I'm not about to say whether he has lost his virginity (after all, he's a genius), Arylos doesn't have a good opinion on others who don't agree with him. He's no Amos Yee, who would most likely disagree with people whom he deems stupid (to be fair, history do have a fair share of geniuses hitting a crash and burn. The key word is the one starting with the alphabet G). His problem lies with people who doesn't see the world like he does. To him, reality is merely an excuse for people to act like jerks (which is why he's actually one). Plenty of people doesn't like him. Either he's too abrasive (please note that most abrasive people we meet in reality are merely normal Joes and Janes out to make themselves feel better) or he's deemed a failure in life (something which his own people shouldn't be doing and saying, yet they actually do).
Out of the Six, only Kariss is able to communicate decently with him (and by that, I mean their common past). Myrreas is a fifty-fifty (as in Arylos doesn't care). Sheallyn is always worrying about him, but he doesn't give a damn as well (proof of someone damaged beyond repair like this fellow). Bhaasmond quite obviously can't wrap a finger around how someone like Arylos could become a hero of Neverwinter, something which that military genius can't be bothered with (proof of his Lancer complex).
So what about Cyrea? Actually, it's a bit like this vid below...
Inspiration for Cyrea Durothil
The name Durothil first surfaced before me during my first ever Respen's Marvelous Game run. When I decided to delve further (after all, I'm born an abnormal Singaporean due to a natural need to be inquisitive), I realized that Durothil is actually the name of a noble house. Traditionally, sun elves are the nobility class among the Tel-quessir (ironically, it's the moon elves which truly resembles the eladrin). House Durothil could be seen as a major noble house in this context. In other words, the nobility amongst the nobility.
Basically, this means two things.
1. Respen is both noble and crazy.
2. This gave me the inspiration to create Cyrea as a character.
If the Tel-quessir can be seen as a parallel to the Singaporean educational system, then the Or-tel-quessir would be the equivalent of an ITE graduate from the Dover campus while the Ar-tel-quessir would be the equivalent of a university graduate from Charles Sturt University (despite that It's The End scene in Jack Neo's satirical movie I Not Stupid, reality dictates another bunch of people better known as secondary school dropouts. They're called the Sy-tel-quessir).
While only overly intelligent people would speculate whether Arylos will declare himself as Cyrea's sword and bow, it must be stated that the exchange between Archer and Rin actually exposed a bit on my plans for their initial conflict. Like Rin, Cyrea is beautiful, rich, and intelligent. Like Archer, Arylos doesn't have a good opinion on a rich girl who lives somewhat a sheltered life (read: not quite literally, but definitely a sheltered life in terms of how reality is perceived). I don't have to spell out for you the chemistry formula prepared.
Her name is Cyrea
The funny thing with Cyrea is the fact that DDR (i.e. the X-ray department) itself should deserve some credit. I still remember a couple of times where there's this X-ray girl (i.e. a radiographer) called... well, I don't know how to write her name. What I do know is that there's this healthcare attendant calling her name as some word rhyming with cereal. It's quite funny because I never imagined there's actually a name that sounds like a product of Kellogg's (if that girl will be reading this post, it means I'm most likely famous already). Just don't ask me whether that cereal girl will become my girlfriend.
The Lords' Alliance
One of the key aspects in Cyrea's role lies in the Lords' Alliance. Better known as a council of the rich and powerful (yes, I know it sounds like *insert your favorite political party here*), it should be stated that House Durothil would rather end up like House Do'Urden (or just about any noble house in Menzoberranzan) than to have any part to play in the petty politics of equally petty races. In other words, there's no practical reason for Cyrea to be part of them. However, human stupidity has always been part and parcel of our everyday lives. We're prone to human error, the same goes for every politician as well. In other words, I need to find a legit way to justify her presence among the Lords' Alliance. Definitely not like this.
P.S: My dad is making noise after he woke up just now. What is intended to be a harmless toilet trip may have easily turned to be another show of evidence that his son was really born a genius. Sadly, it seems that he never know about it. Nearing 3 am already by the way...
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