For now, I'm geared towards a rewrite of A Requiem of Winter Past. The reason why being that I just can't throw the whole damn thing away. I've gotten too attached to my characters. I missed Aeravor's cynicism, Guy Cody's brashness, and Alestrial Eliaden's idealism. Not to mention as well lesser lights like Eliad "that evil gay elf" de Serpentwine, and Tristan "that Indian who respects women and enjoys getting drunk" Ajax. Lest the liberals decided to cry foul, I decided to add Lukas "the good gay human" Brun as well. Oh yes, how can I forget the girls? Joenne Nances, Lolyx, Ceres, and Karen Tenias. And also Sarel Aphros as well. So did I miss anyone out? The answer is yes, yes, and yes. Plus my beloved Leonum Flammeus as well. ;)
What to expect from yours truly...
The education environment decades back may have officially destroyed me utterly. I don't have the desire to redo whatever academic studies, I'm not sure if the idea of self-destruction is ideal for the Singaporean image of educational excellence. Luckily, I managed to glean a couple of creative writing courses. Short ones, mind you. But at least better than nothing since my government is sponsoring them.
In my life, there are two inner demons. The deadliest one is the temptation of porn (no, I'm not joking. Try living a life of constant rejection from the opposite sex just because you're nothing more than a loser in school and life in general). That second in command? This below.
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Don't you wish you have a girlfriend like the one holding the gun? I do. |
Because I decided to censor myself, therefore I'll need to be extra careful on the verbal vocabulary. However, there's only this much even the finest genius can do when it comes to a portrait full of terrorists, self-righteous people, and demons in general.
Quite some time ago, my cousin Mabel said that she could arrange a somebody who can help me. However, reliable sources told me instead that she's currently undergoing chemotherapy lasting 18 weeks. Since I do not want to play the disrupter, I decided to go for broke. Basically something like this:
Go for creative writing course I>do the same for creative writing course II>shameless self-recommendation in the name of being an apprentice.
A/N: Actually come to think of it, what kind of future will one have by taking creative writing courses? Maybe it's really the PAP's intention to bait me deliberately so that SPH can start saying "Yay! We got a #VanGoghofSG !!!!!" *shrugs*
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No, I'm not about to answer any questions from SHyn Corp on whether their beloved goddess will become something like this. Until I officially play either a royal flush or a pair of 2, please stay content by watching 닥터스. 감사합니다. |
So what's next?
Since I decided to flex my rusty writing muscles, I might as well pen down some of my thoughts here. Due to my fanboy's fascination towards the Forgotten Realms setting (something which I blame Drizzt Do'Urden for), it's my intention to try making some sense out of what's been happening recently. Namely Underdark and The Maze Engine modules for Neverwinter Online. If Requiem of Winter Past is to be my original love, then the Neverwinter Six is to be my fan love.
The most challenging aspect of trying to navigate stuff in the game plot lies in my problem. Namely a case of OCDP. I will not call a bluff here, I actually developed this problem while in primary school. Because my teacher was complaining my slow speed of writing, therefore my handwriting took a hideous turn. Even unto now, I don't write cursive despite whatever academic propaganda being propagated.
Long story short, I'm trying to make 100% sense out of what R.A Salvatore is writing at the moment. Prior to Mod 8, we all know whatever tales told by the owner of Hook, Line, and Sinker (where the first drink is always free) were about history, yetis, and Bruenor Battlehammer (forgive me if I missed out anything here). From what every gamer knew about Bruenor's end, it's apparent that said incident took place around the timeline of the Companions novel (albeit events in the book may have spanned across quite a good number of years). However, it's quite likely after the Neverwinter Saga (since Dagult Neverember had yet to consolidate his grip on the Jewel of the North).
By time Underdark came into the picture, it's apparent that Bruenor Battlehammer had yet to out himself into that full glory befitting of a king. From Reginald Roundshield to Bonnego Battleaxe, it must be extremely harsh on a kingly dwarf of Bruenor's stature (pun unintended). And speaking of Bonnego, it seems that the Dwarven King quest chain actually took place somewhere in the middle of the Companions timeline.
Which now comes to when Drizzt came into the picture. Plenty of things actually looked hazy at best prior to Mr Salvatore releasing Archmage. For one, nothing was said about Demogorgon during the Companions Codex series. In fact, that series wasn't part of the Rage of Demons campaign. Archmage, on the other hand, is. Which makes the possibility of Drizzt's hunt for Demogorgon (in the game, that is) after the events of Archmage (or perhaps even after the Homecoming saga) verily real. Either way, it's not going to change the fact that...
1. Cyrea and Kariss would still be the main characters of the Dwarven King storyline.
2. Arylos would eventually join in the fun starting from To Hunt A Prince (i.e. the epic war declared on Demogorgon) with him being the sole protagonist out of the Six in Burning Cruelty, Frigid Brutality (i.e. The Maze Engine campaign storyline).
Remember what I said about flexing my rusty writing muscles? Well, I'm going to try out writing two related scenarios.
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"Well, there goes the blasted demons and whatever else," snorted the battlerager, his grin unnerving whoever left in the city of Mantol-Derith.
"The fight is already over, Mraz," sighed Cyrea, "Is every battlerager like you?"
Flashing a wide grin betraying his rotting teeth, Mraz Warstomper tapped a finger on his spiked helmet.
"Gutbuster Brigade, me fair lady."
"Kuldjargh to be exact," snickered Kariss, the tiefling warlock noting with bemusement Mraz taking a bow before the two.
"Ye'd be more of a charmer if ye ain't a tiefling."
"Oh? So you're implying that my diabolical blood is the only reason why I'm no match for this fair daughter of House Durothil?"
Before Kariss Locras taunting the Ar-tel-quessir, the dwarf merely shrugged.
"Lady Cyrea Durothil still prettier."
Before a blushing Cyrea could utter a reply, a blast of the sentry's horn blared aloud.
"He's here! I'll go ahead. Follow me!"
Cyrea and Kariss could only discern a blur of black, its identity lost to neither. It was none other than Drizzt Do'Urden, hero of Icewind Dale.
For an instant, Cyrea was forced to confront a few questions. Would her fellow sun elves accept one as Drizzt? If so, then how about Arylos? For one was a drow, the other the son of a traitor.
"You heard him."
It wasn't Kariss who spoke, it was instead a familiar voice wearing that familiar tone. Kariss' eyes narrowed slightly, her emotions raging like a maelstrom. As for Cyrea, she could only behold someone least expected to appear.
"Dagult Neverember sent me to investigate the events here since there's profit to be made should peace prevail. As if he's open to dealing with whichever drow beyond Bregan D'aerthe."
No matter how many times the hero of Neverwinter displayed a visage of steel, Arylos would always be Arylos. Mayhaps this was the reason why Cyrea Durothil was drawn towards the son of Celadaine despite their initial conflict. Perhaps Respen was right after all, that dawn could never exist without the darkness of the night.
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The blast was immense, its light blinding all in front. Every combatant out to best Baphomet was struck down, every broken form symbolizing total victory for the Prince of Beasts. All save the two left standing with injuries. Yet, how could two heroes hope to fight a massive demon lord if numbers would never matter?
"I see them," growled Baphomet, his brutish grimace giving way to a bestial leer, "Burning cruelty in the blade of Mielikki and frigid brutality in the bow of Kelemvor."
True to his words, Drizzt felt that madness of the Hunter engulfing him. Not only was the invasion swift, it actually threatened to supplant the heroic drow's sanity in a manner more severe than his fight against Demogorgon. He couldn't go down like this, Drizzt Do'Urden reminded himself. Cat was still somewhere, perhaps in Bryn Shander.
Then a punch was thrown across his cheek. Equally worse for wear, Arylos never looked back at his counterpart. As for Baphomet, he made no advance. Clearly he could taste victory like a ravenous beast smelling blood.
Despite a brave front, the Or-tel-quessir was resisting the same extent of madness as Drizzt. No escape, no way to run. Fingering the dirk which has accompanied him ever since Korey ended her life with it, Arylos gripped his bow tightly. This wasn't just a battle against his primal instincts, 'tis also a war waged against his past. Ever since he undertook various requests from the King of Mithral Hall, it has incessantly haunted him like a relentless lover scorned. Cyrea was right after all, that he was merely a coward by living in a life already gone. Surely Bhaasmond would shake his head in amusement if not for Dagult Neverember's request for him to helm the Neverember Guards.
Then the dagger flew from his hand, its edge buried deep into the enemy's shoulder. For countless years, the blade was the only thing connecting his life with an unforgiving world. Yet...
Perhaps for the first time in his life, the wood elf smiled. It was not that emotionless grin those around him had gotten used to. It was not that mirthless expression drawing ire from many who never understood him. He remembered what Cyrea told him before this fateful duel, that her prayer to Corellon would surely reach him.
Never his people's god, true was the irony. Drawing an arrow, he charged it with arcane power tapped from the Feywild. With fluid ease, he let loose the projectile. Only to crash harmlessly against the Maze Engine humming behind its owner. He knew Baphomet's game right from the start, that both he and Drizzt have the necessary means to defeat this massive demon toying with them. Whether the encroaching madness was caused by this demon lord or the aftermath of Demogorgon's banishment, Arylos cared not. The moment he turned on Drizzt or the other way round, no one would be going back home.
"Home..." whispered the hero of Neverwinter as he surveyed once again the surroundings, the Horn of Lurue drawn from its scabbard, "Let's see if there's truly someone waiting for me out there."
Then it all happened in an instant. With blinding speed, Drizzt Do'Urden rushed towards the behemoth of a beast. In a moment's span, Arylos flanked the hulking entity of savagery. His strategy already formed and relayed, more than any other battles he must survive and win. For the first time in his life, the Chosen of Kelemvor chose not to pursue his own death. For now at least, he could fight without being fettered by the chains of history.
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