"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Monday, 26 June 2017

[冬の鎮魂曲] Sieben

Well, it's been a long time since I last went back to game designing. At this point of time, I know what I need. I don't need the current life I'm leading now. Yes, staying on the same route can feel comfortable, but it's not going to give me anything beyond living off government welfare. I don't need government welfare, I need to have a definite direction in terms of my talents. Will I end up in Middlesbrough Football Club as some field strategist sitting on the gaffer's left-hand side? Or will I get to have a shot at collaborating with Sakaguchi-san? A freelancing creative planner of sorts? Perhaps most likely a novelist. Who knows?

I'm not an idiot. I know the moment my sis gets married and moves out to a new flat, my aged parents and I will be financially pinned against the ropes. It's one thing to know reality is always a case of the strong preying on the weak, quite another to realise meritocracy is nothing more than a lie.

For now, I might as well keep plugging away.

Note: I'm now in the process of rearranging all my posts on the Neverwinter Six gameplay. So I may be very busy in the near run. And this may apply to this series of gameplay design as well.

Add note: I suddenly recall a funny incident. 5 years ago, there was this girl whose line of sight went 45 degrees downwards. I didn't want to admit I was in her crosshair because it doesn't make any sense for a radiographer to fall in love with someone worth the square root of sod all. Problem was, her line of sight was really locked onto me. When I looked up, she immediately looked away. I mean, there's nothing worth a penny on the ground, so why that angle?

Shocking note: Call me a prude, but I don't think it's appropriate for a female employee of the public healthcare sector to wear a cleavage-baring top to work. Granted hers wasn't that revealing. But still...

More crazy note: A couple of years later or so, I saw her again in the same dept. She looked familiar to me, I pushed out the whole "is it her?" thought out of my head. She was playing with her smartphone, then she looked up. I was like "this is insane, it's really her!"

Final note: My head was facing to another direction back then, but my field of sight told me what's going on. Then I unwittingly turned my head and she abruptly turned her sight back to her smartphone. This has to be the most Korean moment in the history of my workplace.

Now back to the topic at hand
This post will be all about rewards gained from The Old Man's Dare. At the same time, I'll be touching on the vanguard, main camp, and rearguard zones.

The three deployment zones
During any battle, combat will always take place in the vanguard zone unless specified otherwise in any individual card description. Once all the cards in the vanguard zone have been removed from play, the battle will move to the main camp. Once the main camp has been cleared, however, the match will be declared over.

When a card is played from the hand, unless specified otherwise in its description, the player can deploy it to any of the three zones. During the match, units can be moved either from one zone to another. However, unit cards moving this way cannot perform any other action afterwards for the rest of the turn. At the same time, movement between the zones should look like the order below:
Vanguard >> Main camp
Main camp >> Vanguard
Rearguard >> Main camp
Main camp >> Rearguard

Rewards available
Victory will earn you either a crown, five quarters, or twenty pence according to performance. If you lose the match, either you will earn a consolation prize ranging from a quarter to ten pence. The various currency earned can be used to purchase stuff from the travelling merchant who will drop by the ruins every now and then.

"Ah, 'tis been a long time since I last came here. Why that look? Don't you know we the Cinha are known for making deals and knowing when to break them? Even as a woman, I've seen plenty from Nanban to Histalonia. Want to see the wares I've gleaned?"

*If your character is female*
"You look like someone capable of doing business through more than just weapons. I'd like to teach you a trick or two. Sadly, I'm not one to stay in one place for more than a few days."

*If your character is male*
"I see you have an eye for beautiful ladies. Don't worry, I won't ask you which brothel you enjoy frequenting, let alone what manner of woman is your favourite type of whore."

Items available from the travelling merchant:

Romus lockbox-Rewards from the Romus lockbox listed as below.
1. Kalaran faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any water magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any epic crafting professional or any three rare crafting professionals (low chance)
4. Any epic sellsword (lowest chance)

Anglsax lockbox-Rewards from the Anglsax lockbox listed as below.
1. Teutonian faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any fire magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any epic crafting tool or any three rare crafting tools (low chance)
4. Any three epic gear (lowest chance)

Santesburg lockbox-Rewards from the Santesburg lockbox listed as below.
1. Slarvean faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any air magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any three epic crafting materials or any five rare crafting materials (low chance)
4. Any two epic mounts  (lowest chance)

Three Kingdoms lockbox-Rewards from the Three Kingdoms lockbox listed as below.
1. Cinha faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any ice magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any epic crafting tool or any three rare crafting tools (low chance)
4. Any epic sellsword (lowest chance)

Highlands lockbox-Rewards from the Highlands lockbox listed as below.
1. Tamurian faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any earth or lightning magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any three epic crafting materials or any five rare crafting materials (low chance)
4. Any three epic gear (lowest chance)

Oasis lockbox-Rewards from the Oasis lockbox listed as below.
1. Sudhlit faction cards you've yet to obtain (dependent on card rarity)
2. A higher level version of any magma magic created successfully previously in the game (dependent on the original power level)
3. Any epic crafting professional or any three rare crafting professionals (low chance)
4. Any two epic mounts (lowest chance)

Factions available
Empire of Kalaran:
Lauded as the epitome of civilisation, the Empire is one combining intellectual excellence with military might. Ruled by an emperor formally known by the title of Caesar with the Senate assisting him. One of the three Causacean factions during the War of the Three Thrones lasting a hundred years.
Characters available-Gael Kodr, Alestrial Eliaden, Caesar Francistas I, Caesar Leokas IV, Brus of Yorke

High Realm of Teutonia:
Considered the more backward counterpart to the Empire, the Teutonians value honour and chivalry as their sacred tenet. Ruled by a king formally known by the title of the High King, the officials of the Sidhe court are his closest advisers. A proud people ever ready for war, Teutonia was the second of the three Causacean factions during the War of the Three Thrones which ultimately fractured the once unified northern continent.
Characters available-Fionn of Cumhaill, High King Bastias I, Mannion Camsell, Jon Wood the Young, Alexis of Gráinne

Free Land of Slarvea:
Never hankering after accomplishments like the Kalarans or lusting after glory like the Teutonians, the Slarvs are nevertheless fierce warriors on horseback. Disliking any semblance of centralised authority, the Slarvs are divided into various tribes ruled by respective chieftains known as Tsars (or Tsarinas for female chieftains) Slarvea was the final of the three warring factions during the War of the Three Thrones that ended up in an indefinite armistice lasting even till now.
Characters available-Tsar Rasputov, Tsarina Shrapovna, Ivan Alisov, Marke Whelpov, Belynd Covna 

Furthest East:
Known to some, but unknown to most. This is where the Cinha reside. Split into three factions, the Furthest East represents both cultural excellence and political intrigue involving military skirmishes every now and then. At the same time, all out war is something not unheard of albeit this being an outcome no factions want due to the likelihood of a third party profiting from it. The three factions involved in this political gridlock are Oda (north), Minatomo (central), and Nanban (south) with the unexplored Saigoku at the west as the final piece of the continent.
Characters available-Heihou no Tae'Geuk, Yari no Yu'Shin, Amakusa no Baek'Joo, Shikoku no Jin'Yi, Kagemine no Min'Hyuk

A mountainous region separating the Southland from the continent of Greater North, Tamurians tend to shun contact with outsiders. The few who do are sellswords pledging their service to the highest bidder. Warfare to them is not just a way of surviving and prevailing, but also a form of religion where pride and respect are of paramount importance. Ironically, the Tamurians will only take up arms against any act of invasion instead of starting a conflict with their neighbours. Something which happens more oft than not for reasons known only to them. Like Teutonia, Tamuria is ruled by feudalism where chieftains swear fealty to the highest ruler known as a Sultan.
Characters available-Sultan Kalip el-Bakar, Saadin el-Ithan, Johar el-Baash, Izinah ela-Bakar, Dari el-Midan

A large continent consisting of the desert landscape and low mountains, this arid land is home to the Sudhlits where only the strong prevail and the weak enslaved. A proud people invading and getting invaded by their own, the Sudhlits are nevertheless a cultured race placing emphasis on music and dancing. Ruled by a universal caste system to ensure stability, one cannot help but wonder what would their fortunes be if their homeland is never that unforgiving.
Characters available-Tristan Aias, Maharaoh Modeen, Veda Jeyar, Tharmas the Outlaw, Veda Suntha

A faction without land and borders, the Confederation comprises of three major mercenary guilds which have established a monopoly throughout the sellsword industry. Namely, Men of Redmarch, Valkyries, and Elfstein.
Characters available-Deios Symon, Jeska Lews Brynhilda, Roin de Bladefort, Aeravor, Lars Alterfate 

Possible DLC factions:
Homm'Nua, Homm'Eot, Homm'Ogr, Histalonia

P.S: Not feeling well right now. I'm very sure the weather here in Singapore is starting to change. Apparently, my body has the accuracy of a weather forecaster.