"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Sunday, 16 July 2017


I blame Mr Chou. No, not Mr Chow unless you can't differentiate alphabets in the same way you're too dumb to differentiate an American Korean from a Taiwanese.

A/N: Can't think up of any wisecracking statement for the Joanna Dong vid. The reason why? Below vid explains my situation best.

~冬の鎮魂曲 OST~

Obvious note: The songs are quite obviously taken from YouTube. 0% permission, 100% taste. You can't blame me for having the class of a connoisseur.

OP and ED songs

Image songs

CV: 関 俊彦
Try imagining this way: Guts+Jaime Lannister

First image song lyrics
Second image songs lyrics

[Gael Kodr]
CV: 杉山 紀彰
Try imagining this way: Wulfgar+Emiya Shirou

Apologies for my failure in searching for the lyrics

[Alestrial Eliaden]
CV: 植田 佳奈
Try imagining this way: Daenerys Targaryen+박신혜


[Lars Alterfate]
CV: 関 智一
Try imagining this way: Gilgamesh+Ragna the Bloodedge

Again, apologies for the lack of translated lyrics

CV: 置鮎 龍太郎
Try imagining this way: Berserker (Fate/Zero version)+Sandor Clegane


Special song (for the lack of a better description)


P.S: Would like to include the BGM, but it's getting late now. Nearly 12:30 am to be exact.

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