"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Thursday, 30 November 2017

冬の鎮魂曲~Reworked Pt III

I'm feeling unwell right now. But still, part of me wants to write something. Earlier today, I tried writing a new chapter for A Requiem From Winter Past. It felt awkward, to be honest. It's like coming back to a place years after your departure. Apart from the awkwardness, it actually felt good to be back. Knowing myself, it will most likely while it lasts.

Update: Above part was written a few nights ago. Also, this post is written over the span of a few days because my brain isn't exactly known to be normal. At the same time, Marvel Heroes Omega is experiencing temporary unavailability for whatever reason beyond my understanding. Since last night, that is.

Further update on what I said about Marvel Heroes Omega: Okay, it's officially dead. I won't be playing it because Gazillion pulled the plug on the life support system. Hopefully, it means more time for my writing.

Final update: The entire post was written over a span of few days. This was due to my brain hitting a blank state. On one hand, I had an idea of what to write. On the other, it didn't take anything away from my so-called mental blank state.

So what will this post be about?
I'll be touching on how thaumaturgy and metallurgy works. At the same time, I'll be doing the character bios (even though I've done one for Aeravor). At the same time, I decided to risk my neck by doing something like this.

How this works in the game=how this works in the plot (?)
Because of the complications involving the runes, I need to find a way to make them relevant for metallurgy. The problem is, how am I going to create twenty variations so as to speak? It's terribly dumb and horribly moronic. In other words, there's NO way I can ever do that. If even the likes of Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh are mere humans like you and me, what makes me think I am capable of creating the world in six days? If I was given such a job, I'd end up doing an absolutely crap job (no Bruce Almighty jokes, please).

For thaumaturgy, there's no need for me to change anything. For metallurgy, it's either I end up doing more than ten variations of the same thing or I can just streamline the whole damn thing. Thankfully, I actually got an idea on how to go about doing it. But before that...

Relevance of runes in both the game and plot
I don't intend magic to be something omnipotent. A Requiem From Winter Past is intended as a story about humanity in a world where God doesn't exist. Since magic is nothing more than a power meant to be used, the first two alphabets of the word abuse shouldn't read like "AB=Absolutely Bro". Rather, the first two alphabets of the word abuse should read like "AB=Absolutely Brüder".

If you want to see absolutely badass magic, go (re)watch Harry Potter before Emma Watson became... well, all grown-up. Not that all prepubescent girls are meant to act cute, innocent, and outright Korean. Just ask Maisie Williams.

Since I need to create limitations (after all, magic is technically humanistic... whatever this statement means...), I need to retain the relevance of five runes per deum. You don't expect me to do the same thing for every damn alphabet. Thankfully, my experience as a casual gamer gave me an idea. But before I continue, let me just say a big thank you to Cryptic and Gazillion for Neverwinter and Marvel Heroes Omega. Despite any apparent flaws (not that I never have a single damn big one), I still enjoy the ride. And because I enjoy the ride, it's only natural for me to... well, pilfer certain things like Remy LeBeau (btw, what happened to Channing Tatum?).

So here are the boundaries I've set:

1. Each rune is only usable once per day.

2. Going by the five runes per deum rule, it means both thaumaturgy and metallurgy can only be used five times per day.

3. One day in-game is equivalent to 30 minutes of gaming time. Hopefully, I manage to get the balance right.
Chinese father or Asian father, may I ask?

4. Definition of day and night hinges on when the sun rises and when the moon goes down.

5. Unless it's Aeravor (whom Dullahan stated was able to command all the four deums), every character can only gain access to one deum (whether I'll do an Arc on Aera remains to be seen).

How thaumaturgy exactly works
Unlike the Killing Curse, there's no such thing as a rigged deal. More specifically, the concept of thaumaturgy is a case of me doing a Gambit. Unlike the Will and the Word, however, thaumaturgy involves more than just the image, willpower, and a verbal command. Unlike the Will and the Word, thaumaturgy doesn't involve a verbal command. The words needed to pull the rabbit out of the hat (figuratively speaking, of course) are formed in the mind. More specifically any of the five runes plus the bridge rune, both within the boundaries of the same deum. Like the Will and the Word, however, a mental image is needed.

One thing to note is that the world isn't just a place for people to live in. It is also the ceiling which no magic, thaumaturgy or metallurgy, can breach. Whenever people start talking about the lack of women in the highest possible level of politics, the term glass ceiling will always pop up. For the power ceiling in A Requiem From Winter Past, however, it's what I'll call that absolute ceiling. No one, man or woman, can ever breach it. In a very real sense, this is a ceiling which best represents gender equality.

Therefore, trying act powerful (and smart as well for that matter) is extremely hazardous. Provided you don't die, you'll most likely go mad. Provided it's neither, it means... well, I don't know. Seriously. We all know unpredictable events aren't exactly known to be human-friendly and I don't intend things to change in my own created world where anything wrong on paper can go terribly wrong in reality.

So how to use thaumaturgy safely provided you did the SOP right? Research officers have found out that any natural phenomenon, be it modified or untouched, can be done. Yes, it can be very taxing physically and mentally (maybe it's really THAT taxing). But it is doable. Trust me. And trust me as well when I say research officers aren't needed to make this sure. Such people are reserved for their CIRC, not my Crucible. And no, I don't work there. I'm just trying to emulate Steve Jobs' inner jerk.

A wee bit on the ceiling
The logic is very simple. The ceiling imposed actually limits the extent and form. In other words, you can't create a nuke if the ceiling says no. Any phenomenon which cannot exist outside the world is also a no. I know the last statement sounds confusing, so let me just give an example here.

Create a lightning storm-Legal
Create a lightning bolt leaping from your fingertips-Legal
Creating global lightning storm in order to nuke the world from Pyongyang to Washington?
Apparently, Roid was the cop who busted the old man.

Going full-metal
I know this sounds like Colossus and his organic osmium. Funnily enough, the concept of reinforcement is actually Colossus' signature mutant ability. However, metallurgy is never about going full metal on organic matter. There's no way to use metallurgy like Colossus. In fact, as much as I may be a sick bastard, I don't intend to have any... well, unintended consequences. In other words, metallurgy is all about reinforcing non-living matter. It is all about increasing the durability, nothing more and nothing less.

Because metallurgy requires sufficient physical contact with the item, it mostly applies to weapons while shields are also a viable option. Weapons reinforced this way takes less item damage. For shields, it makes them immune to item damage.

Gear, materials, durability, item damage, and armour rend (That's really a lot)
Unlike other games, weapons and gear for this one are only available through two means: Purchasing them via a blacksmith or obtaining them via quest rewards. For the former, the pricing will be decided by two factors: Quality and the smithy. Quality is a no-brainer. After all, we all know that "Made in China" joke. As for the smithy, it actually depends on who you're dealing with on a racial basis. Human blacksmiths aren't exactly known to jack up the pricing. The same, however, cannot be said about the dwarves (and elves as well for that matter). Yet, it must also be said that the finest craftsmanship in every sense of the word comes from these two races. And to think I'm actually doing racism in a fictional world while my fellow (higher educated) S'poreans most likely won't touch it with a ten-feet pole.

For materials, they are classified into three categories. Namely leather, wood, and metal. This is very important because materials affect the durability of any item.

Durability indicates item damage resistance. However, there are two aspects of durability. Namely, passive durability and active durability. Passive durability indicates the item damage resistance throughout the game apart from combat while active durability indicates item damage resistance during combat. Passive durability will always affect active durability, but not the other way round. This to reflect the wear and tear relationship between corrosion and usage. Leather has the highest passive durability followed by wood with metal being the last. As for active durability, the order is the other way round. Once any gear has its passive or active durability reduced to 50% or more, that gear will be considered unusable.

Armour rend status decreases the target's defence anywhere from 40% to 70% (depending on the armour type). Armour rend is considered a higher form of item damage where the affected gear will be considered unusable. Yes, I know I'm making it sound like the BFF of Valar Morghulis.

Am I the only one empathising with Arya since she's doomed to have no BFF? After all, I'm pretty sure every S'porean apart from myself has a BFF. Also, Syrio Forel sounds Spanish. Very very Spanish. Come to think of it, Arya would have been so like me if she's a S'porean. So much for doing an angmoh Brothers Grimm instead of a S'porean Disney.

Chaining system: Attacks
Weapon attacks can be chained. So long your character is in combat, the Adrenaline gauge will slowly build up. If I never mentioned it before, that's because the idea never crossed my mind until now. Chaining hits will increase the Adrenaline gauge at a faster rate. A single fast attack won't result in an increase, but chaining such attacks will ensure the Adrenaline builds up quickly. The more hits being chained, the faster the Adrenaline gauge fills up. If a heavy attack damages an opponent, the Adrenaline gauge will increase by a flat amount (25%) instead. As the Adrenaline increases, damage dealt will also increase. However, it will also increase damage taken per hit. At the same time, Adrenaline won't decrease unless you got interrupted or stunned by an attack. In this case, the Adrenaline gauge will be reset to zero.

Chaining system: Magic
Magic can also be chained, be it thaumaturgy or metallurgy. By pressing L2 (Thaumaturgy) or R2 (Metallurgy) more than once, you can create a chaining effect according to how many times the button is pressed. Magic chaining can reach up to 5 effects. The longer the chain, the more powerful it gets.

For thaumaturgy, the effects will be triggered consecutively. For metallurgy, the duration will increase according to how many times metallurgy is executed.  No matter what, restrictions involving the usage of magic still applies. Magic chaining also increases adrenaline, but at a faster rate than any weapon combo.

Below the character portrait UI, three gauges are present: Focus, Force, and Adrenaline. As I've said before, Focus involves triggering a buff while Force involves triggering a devastating attack unique to the character. As for Adrenaline, it's not only used for increasing the damage dealt in exchange for a lowered defence (refer back to what I've written under Chaining system: Attacks). At the same time, a full Adrenaline gauge will result in a more powerful version of Focus buff or Force attack. Once this happens, the Adrenaline gauge will be emptied and start refilling again.

As for damage bonus and amount of damage taken as the result of Adrenaline, the calculation goes as below:

0%-25%: No effect.
26%-50%: 10% damage bonus; additional 5% damage taken
51%-75%: 15% damage bonus; additional 7% damage taken
76%-100%: 18% damage bonus; additional 9% damage taken

Anything else?
I need to take a breather for now. It really feels weird knowing that your brain has certain ideas, yet still locking itself in some sort of blank state. Either way, I really need to kick myself to write a new chapter for A Requiem From Winter Past. I really got some awesome ideas for that one (please note that when I say awesome, it may not be your brand of awesome).

To round off my post, I might as well add a picture and throw in a vid.

Lyrics (not by me because Remy LeBeau isn't 100% dishonourable)
For example, if I am not me, could you say that you are you?
If you break the container of sand, can you gather up the pieces of my heart?

The voice of someone calling has become ringing in my ears.
Time seems to have stopped. So, open your eyes.

We broke out of the thick darkness. We escaped from what seemed like a hurricane.
We, who look like living corpses, are going outside the walls.

For example, if there was no light in the world, could you be able to see yourself?
Can you count and tie together the pieces of a landscape projected in slow motion?

The voice of someone crying has become tremors in the earth
Let's start from zero. Farewell, final night.

I broke out of the long dream. I escaped with a red body.
Our eyes look like those of starved beasts.

We're stepping beyond the storms; we're reaching out our hands.
With all my strength, I extracted the stuck blade and said "I am you".

We broke out of the thick darkness. We escaped from what seemed like a hurricane.
We, who look like living corpses, are going outside the walls.
Let's meet again, in the unmapped place.

P.S: I'd like to up the picture if not for some technical issues. Or maybe it's because I'm a tech Amish...

Friday, 24 November 2017

冬の鎮魂曲~Reworked Pt II

Okay, I'm now fighting a war. I'm never one who is receptive towards noise being made. The problem is that my dad has his idiosyncracies involving gadgets. Right now, he's switching one of his numerous junk so that it won't... well, become literally junk. As a result, noise is attacking me. Since I understand him (perhaps more than my sister and mom), I'm now testing my resolve of steel. The fact that no one understands me doesn't mean I should deprive myself of the ability to understand others. If this sounds weirdly familiar to you...

Plot twist: Kiritsugu isn't his dad.

Update: Okay, I offed his junk. My dad never said anything. Let alone did anything. After all, we're family and I got his idiosyncratic genes.

Singaporeans need help (excluding me, though)
There are times where one can't help but wonder whether Singaporeans are truly contradiction-proof. While I can understand the complaining S'porean (trust me, my dad is one), the terrifying nature of stupidity is... well, this. And it doesn't help that Shrey Bhargava is also an Indian. Why can't we all be civil towards all Singaporeans? Deadpool is angmoh, but that doesn't prevent him from being nice!

Come to think of it, is there really a difference between Deadpool and a civilised racist?

The thing with kids is this: By themselves, they're capable of lying, getting angry, and slapping that supposed BFF in the name of whatever puny god being worshipped. When it comes to racism, however, that's where the fun part comes. You don't expect the Brotherhood to understand intolerance and acceptance in the name of subjugation via instinct. Something (or someone) must have taught them the wrong things. They say you're influenced by what attracts you. Maybe that's why Nightcrawler remains the closest thing to Charles Xavier's dream. As for Cyclops, he's just another Magneto. Makes you wonder why he never joined the right side (for himself) in the first place.

No Thanks to the undeniable proof that Nightcrawler is truly needed in Singapore, I decided to use this post to... well, make all the non-Chinese S'porean happy. It doesn't matter whether you're Indian or Malay (sadly, there's no Eurasian in my A Requiem From Winter Past). Even though I'm a Chinese, I'm no typical S'porean Chinese. I don't play by the rules Jack Neo (and pretty much other S'poreans) always adhered to. That's why I'm doing a Requiem From Winter Past. I'm not interested in doing a Disney. That's so S'porean banal. Die Brüder Grimm? You bet. I don't mind my sis watching The Queen starring Jesseca Liu, but I actually prefer deeper stuff.

Pt I of my 完全リコール!!!!

What I'll be doing here...
I will need to do the stats and some other stuff. After that, I can hopefully start doing a bit on Aeravor's bio. After all, he's the protagonist.

NOT the 3rd type of lie
Mark Twain once said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." More specifically, it was credited to the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (I'm pretty sure he's unrelated to the modern state of Israel). In this game, stats give you an understanding of what they do. Without further ado, let's get to the vital stats (note that I've done a wee bit here).

Strength: Affects weapon damage dealt (+1% per every 2 points beyond the score of 3) and the amount of time allowed for the next weapon attack to come out upon successful parry (+0.5 sec per every 2 points beyond the score of 4; 20 seconds cooldown).
Deums affecting Strength:
Earrach [Weapon damage bonus increases to 2% instead of 1%]
Samhradh [+1 Strength]

Fortitude: Affects maximum hit points (+3% per every 2 points beyond the score of 3) and damage resistance (+0.5% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4).
Deums affecting Fortitude:
Samhradh [Maximum hit points bonus increases to 5% instead of 3%]
Geimhreadh [Damage resistance bonus increases to 1% instead of 0.5%]

Dexterity: Confers chance of successful dodge if manual dodge fails (1% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4; 10 seconds cooldown) and the chance to automatically hit if weapon attack misses (1% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4; 30 seconds cooldown).
Deums affecting Dexterity:
Earrach [+1 Dexterity]
Fómhar [Chance to automatically hit if weapon attack misses increases to 2% instead of 1%]

Wit: Confers chance of successful parry if manual parry fails (1% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4; 15 seconds cooldown) and bonus critical weapon damage (10% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4).
Deums affecting Wit:
Fómhar [+1 Wit]
Geimhreadh [Base bonus critical weapon damage increases to 15% instead of 10%]

Resolve: Affects the amount of Focus gained when holding ground (+1% per every 2 points beyond the score of 3) and the chance of automatic parry when holding ground (+0.5% per every 2 points beyond the score of 4).
Deums affecting Resolve:
Geimhreadh [+1 Resolve]
Earrach [Automatic parry chance bonus when holding ground increases to 1.5%  instead of 0.5%]

Unlock, Sköll, and Hati
So how are characters unlocked? In certain instances, Aeravor will have to do a team-up. Unlocking the characters require the relevant quests to be completed. So completionists, rejoice. You can then use the unlocked characters so long the quests involved include them.

As for Sköll and Hati, rejoice all you feminists! This part is where choices are made, be they moral or of some other nature. For Aeravor, it means calling the shots in... well, a moralistic sense. Not that he's moralistic anyway. The good news for feminists is that only two characters get to enjoy this... shall we say, privilege. The first one mentioned is Aeravor. As for the other one...

I think I've said this before. In case I made a mistake here, Alestrial Eliaden is based on Park Shin-hye in the same way Sting was the visual inspiration for John Constantine. I'm no part of SHynCorp, though. Just that I did the visual inspiration for teh lolz. I don't play by the S'porean rules. Jack Neo is Jack Neo, Kuok Minghui is Kuok Minghui. Period.

So what kind of choices will Ales make in the game? After all, Sköll symbolises the sun while Hati represents the moon (not in a Norse manner, but my own).

Okay, I need to end this post soon...
Can you believe I've yet to have my dinner? I've been doing this post from like six plus in evening till now! Either I'm truly crazy or I'm a genius. Perhaps even both for all I know. Either way, I'll round off this post with Aeravor's stats. After all, he's the protagonist. As for Tristan Aias, I can only offer my apologies to my fellow S'poreans who happen to be Indians. And that includes Shrey Bhargava.

A/N: Actually come to think of it, racism is racism. It doesn't matter whether your racial beef is with Malays, Indians, Eurasians, or Chinese.



[Damage resistance bonus via Fortitude increases to 1.5% instead of 0.5%]
[Base bonus critical weapon damage via Wit increases to 15% instead of 10%]
[+1 Resolve]

P.S: Decided to up two vids. The first is one of my fave anime songs in Nightcore format (whatever the term means) while the other is an interesting find via YouTube.


Sorry, I can't find the lyrics because I don't even know the song title. I do notice Jon's picture placement above that of Dany is the same for Rhaegar and Lyanna.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Just wanna write something (in case my sword has gone rusty)

Now before someone starts snickering, my sword refers to my brain. It is like what Tyrion Lannister famously said to his (?) fellow (?) bastard (?).

To be honest, this post is most likely to be more than a wee chaotic. I'll be writing a bit of everything. The nearest label to this post, therefore, would be The Crucible. After all, this label denotes either posts discussing the fictional world of A Requiem From Winter Past or affairs of the real world. Ironically, however, I find that the line separating fiction from reality is capable of blurring itself at times. The name of that line? Human nature.

Neverwinter Six has been (totally) recalled

Nothing lasts forever, eternity doesn't exist in a world where temporary things rule the roost. Be it from Braniffer to Brangelina or the latest Korean splitsville, all things are destined to face an end. That includes my original plan of the Neverwinter Six. Due to the fact that I was born somewhat obsessive, I decided to attempt an ambitious plan. And that was to create a plot flowing according to the actual Neverwinter game itself. The only problem? What goes into theory doesn't necessarily translate into reality. Don't believe me, go ask China whether communism is the correct way to run a nation.

Therefore, I decided to do a Total Recall. This is not to say the entire plan is dead. Rather, I'm now attempting a new plot. Instead of Neverwinter, it will involve Cormyr. Instead of six characters, it will be half the number. As for who will get to feature... well, let me do the intro (minus the images because I'm too lazy to 田+PrtSc).


[His eyes were like a hawk, his visage that of a wolf. Fair was his rugged look to one of a lesser race, but Cyrea knew better. That he was nothing to look at from the eyes of the Tel-quessir, that he was merely boasting average features before them. He was worth nothing compared to Ilyath. Her beloved was a fighter blessed with honor. Arylos, in turn, was a schemer bereft of scruples. Yet, there was something in his words uttered in defiance and pride. A statement of intent directed towards a god whom he never knew, a statement of blasphemy aimed at his own people. Something which Ilyath could never replicate, no matter how exceptional he truly was compared to this scoundrel she mockingly called a hero.

"Never my god and never my people."]

Hero (to Myrreas as a compliment; to Cyrea as a word of contempt due to his pragmatism and cynicism challenging her beliefs), Aryl (only to Korey), Ratwit (to the locals at Wheloon post-isolation), Lone Wolf (to the Eldreth Veluuthra as a form of mockery), Sword of Kelemvor (first coined by Lorelei Gravesower, later recognised as an official title by most, if not all, Kelemvorites after the defeat of Isies Dragonsbane, a Chosen of Cyric), Heir (to Celadaine, Black Knight of Malabog; formerly known as the Moonless Knight and Everwatcher of Iliyanbruen), Knight of Feywild (to the Iliyanbruen fey due to his blood ties with Celadaine who was hailed as the finest knight of Feywild prior to his fall from grace ), Kingslayer (official title conferred by Merrisara Winterwhite due to his feat of slaying Malabog), Cousin in-law (to Respen Durothil and Nymmestra Durothil due to... well, we know opposites do attract like the north-south magnetic science), Stormthief (to Drizzt Do'Urden and Elaith Craulnober as both a compliment and statement of respect), Forever-Cursed (to Beshaba after he spurned her advances), Ever-Cold (to Sune after he spurned her advances) 

Ranger (main), Rogue (secondary)

Paragon class:

Prestige class:
Consecrated Harrier

Patron deity:

Arylos is a military genius, a brilliant tactician. He is someone abandoned by an unforgiving world. If there is any parallel I can use for him, it would be Buck from Jack London's The Call of the Wild. He has never done anything against the world, yet he has to suffer trials and tribulations. To rub salt into the injury, even his own people despise him. And all because he is never able to fit into their way of living. The so-called elven way of living. As a result, he lives apart from the world which despised him. He is quintessentially the kind of guy who became that monster the world has always been. Yet, he somehow ended up as a hero. Like his blueprint known as Archer, his status as a hero was nothing short of an irony. He never wanted to be a hero, yet he became one due to circumstances beyond his call. This is a character who can only live by the sword. In this sense, it can be said that Arylos is also someone living for the sword. This is the reason why he's not exactly the smartest person in Faerûn. His outstanding genius is only relevant in days of warfare, not in times of peace.

Cyrea Durothil

[From the first day, Myrreas found her alluring. There was indeed something otherworldly about her. It wasn't her hair of shoulder length gold or those eyes of sunset red. It has got nothing to do with her beautiful features or a shapely figure. This was a maiden who has seen plenty. Yet, a reality utterly blemished failed to defile her inner world. For she knew the monsters greeting her. She spoke very little about her past, yet one name was whispered in her sleep. Even though only for once, he still recalled the tears as the name Ilyath greeted his ears. Curiosity gripped him, his dogged determination managed to won the war. Ilyath Le'Quella, a moon elf of outstanding capability and upright character. Ilyath Le'Quella, he who was a hundred times better than the rest. Or so by his own guess.

Then an interesting thought crept into him. What if there was someone capable of achieving victory? What if the living was capable of supplanting the dead?]

Princess (to Myrreas as a compliment; to Arylos, but as a form of sarcasm due to her idealism and upbringing as part of the sun elven nobility), Beloved Bride (to Ilyath Le'Quella due to their relationship as lovers prior to his untimely death due to Kymil Nimesin manipulating House Durothil for purposes unstated), Most Beautiful Cousin (to her two cousins, Respen Durothil and Nymmestra Durothil, much to her constant annoyance despite the compliment being spot on), Cyrri (to her two best friends, Sheallyn Melarn and Lewynn Hawkseal-Deudermont), Hope (to Celadaine just before his death via Malabog's treachery), Favored of Corellon (to her fellow sun elves prior to her decision to leave Evermeet), Legacy of Mystra (to Elminster and, later on, Sheallyn) Mirror (to Mystra)

Cleric (main), Wizard (secondary)

Paragon class:
Divine Oracle

Prestige class:
Favored Soul

Patron deity:
Corellon Larethian

If Arylos' mind is intended for warfare, then Cyrea's mind is a symbol of peace. In a world where conflict and peace are intertwined, Arylos can only fit into one half of the deal. Cyrea, on the other hand, fits into both halves. Definitely, Cyrea is one hell of a smart girl. She's basically every Singaporean's ideal girlfriend. Namely, rich, beautiful, and intelligent. Maybe that's what they mean when it comes to a Tesla girl.


[He was both the fool and devil. He was a fool because he allowed himself to be. He was a devil because of a ruthless streak in any fight, be it in a tavern brawl or against the dragon they slew years ago. It has been years since Myrreas left the Harpers in the name of acrimony. He never turned back even once since that fateful day. Sheallyn could only offer her blessings. No one has ever understood him. Either they were unable to or they never tried even once. He was someone doomed to loneliness. He once joked that he would stay lucky and forever alone. Either that or those in his life would die as a result. There would always be moments where she felt he wasn't pulling a jest, that he was more of a trophy Tymora and Beshaba have always fought over.]

Myrr (to his companions except for Arylos), Troubleson (to the Harpers and those biased against him), Starknife (to Selûne after he successfully pulled the dagger from a tree stump surrounded by briars), Lucky Loner (to Tymora due to her understanding of his future), Never-Heir (to both Dagult Neverember and Arlon Bladeshaper for unknown reasons)

Rogue (main), Fighter (secondary)

Paragon class:
Master Infiltrator

Prestige class:
Arcane Trickster

Patron deity:

If Arylos is neutral good and Cyrea lawful good, then Myrreas is chaotic good. This guy is trouble. Period. Traditionally, charismatic people tend to divide opinions and polarize views. From the late Lee Kuan Yew to Sir A. Fergie and J-Mou, the key lies in a strong personality with an innate charm. Myrreas can never be the late Mr Lee because he's not under the lawful alignment. He's neither Fergie or J-Mou since he's not exactly leader material. Yet, his charisma is definitely that: Love him or hate him, you gotta respect him.

The East, Punggol West, and... Aeravor?
He says, she says, but what does the data say about the East? My first reaction is a mixture of good and bad. Afterwards, the word chaotic popped up. Finally, chaotic evolved in chaotic neutral. Chaotic neutral is what you get when you're dealing with someone like Aeravor.

And speaking of Aeravor, I actually did some minor changes to A Requiem From Winter Past. When any locker room banter starts talking about having sex, all sorts of words start to come out. From the letter F to the letter S, from the letter C to the letter D. The phrase "having sex" sounds too banal. Yet, I don't want people to accuse me of being tasteless. Humor is a beautiful thing. They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but there's no doubting that general consensus counts as well.

The beauty of humor lies in the words used. More oft than not, humor is displayed via visual images. Believe it or not, Jack Neo isn't the only one to play the most basic card. You got movies done by Wong Jing, you also have stuff like South Park and Beavis and Butthead. Or something quite tame in comparison.

Yet, humor via words is the best proof of class. Not every person can pull it off. Although granted things can get... well, more than a wee bit vulgar at times.

My style is... shall we say, quite tame by comparison. Long story short, two aspects of the male society were affected. When it comes to the tavern room banter version of having sex, I use the p-word instead of the f-word or s-word. If poke is not self-explanatory, I don't know what else is (believe it or not, even the lecturer was not above in using the phrase "kenna poke in the backside" during my part-time ITE days. Thankfully, I forgot the name of that lecturer).

As for breasts, I find the word boobs to be... well too tame. Tame enough for something rated PG. But A Requiem From Winter Past should be rated NC16 despite it being a dialogue focused work. Then I suddenly remembered an English slang. Stack is a non-dirty word. Once you mod it into stacked, that's where the all hell broke loose. Stacked in slang speak means... well, having large breasts. And since I'm dealing with a word cursed with sexual context, I might as well mod it. Simply put, stack in A Requiem From Winter Past means breasts. Not necessarily the type you enjoy seeing in porn.

Note: Seriously, I'm not a guru in doing explicit scenes. Majority of what you see in the above links is dialogue. Yes, there's such a thing called scenario. But I don't spend half a chapter telling the readers the SOP of any MMA fight. But nevertheless...
NC16 should be somewhere between T and M. Maybe ESRB should upgrade itself soon like a Singaporean.
Then again, which parent would heed the ESRB rating? Some, yes. Most, doubt so. All, hell no.
Contradicting myself like Archer
No matter whether it's Archer, Emiya Shirou, or Emiya Kiritsugu, the existence of contradiction would always dog them for eternity (that is unless you discount the legitimacy of Heaven's Feel since Nasuverse itself is a multiverse like the Marvelverse). For me, I've committed an Emiya.

So now comes my verdict. Metallurgy is now back to legit magic status. Yes, you read it right! Legit. You know what is legit? You go register your marriage with your dream spouse. Once the signature part is done, your marriage is legit. Once the vows are exchanged, your marriage is legit. Once both parties say "I do", your marriage is legit. And trust me, a kiss is not needed to make your marriage legit (although there have been instances of me attending wedding ceremonies sealed with a kiss. Hope you're fine and well over there in Japan with your SIA wife, Salted Fish).

This also means one thing: I have more things to write concerning random stuff in my world of A Requiem From Winter Past.

And to round off this chaotic neutral post...
I decided to do a bit about Aeravor. Note that the info I do here shouldn't be just limited to the written version. Gaming version is also included.

1. Aeravor's Scil is Geimhreadh.

2. Those of Scil Geimhreadh excel in physical and mental hardiness. While Geimhreadh doesn't boast the agility of Earrach, the physical style of Samhradh, or the mental strength of Fómhar, it is a fairly well-balanced Scil.

3. There's too much similarity between gambler's derring-do (Xiv) and risky gambit (Rag) since they indicate the same concept. Therefore, risky gambit is now changed to gambit's trade. After all, if Rag means Twilight, then pulling off a successful gambit will heighten your chances of surviving till the next dawn.Twilight may indicate the end, but dawn will always follow. It's like how Ragnarök will pan out once the Twilight of the Gods meets its end.

4. In the same way there are five runes in every deum, Aeravor will have five stats. In fact, all characters doing the fighting, man and woman, will have five stats.

5. The five stats are: Power (affects damage [2% per point] and all effect duration [1.5% per point]) , Fortitude (affects maximum hit points [5% per point] and damage resistance [2% per point; additional 3% per point when holding ground]), Dexterity (affects critical chance [0.5% per point] and damage reduction upon unsuccessful dodge [2% per point]), Wit (affects critical chance [+1% per point] and critical damage [0.5% per point]), and Resolve (affects damage resistance [1% per point; additional 1% per point when holding ground] and control effect resistance [1.5% per point; additional 2.5% per point when holding ground]).

6. As a Scil user of Geimhreadh, Aeravor gains +1 bonus to Resolve.

7. As Aeravor's bridge rune, Uf confers 30% damage bonus whenever his hit points reach 50% or below.

Okay, show is done.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Khaw Boon Wan, Donald Trump, and Ahnuld: Total Recall it like a schizo (Currently updated @11/11/17)

Edit: This post is too short by my own standard. And besides, half of it was irrelevant. So might as well add more stuff. And I mean the truly relevant ones. For those who have been through it, just scroll down to Mr Chou and GAR-cher. Otherwise, it's up to you whether you want to torture yourself.
Ireland? What manner of (druidic) sorcery is this?
Do I look like an Ulsterman born in the year of the dog to them?

Firstly, let me just say that no offence is intended on the post title. Schizophrenia is no joke, denial will only get the victim into deeper trouble. Already, global society isn't exactly known for dealing with mental illness.

In other news, it's been more than a year since Donald Trump became President Trump. The American Civil War is still raging (actually, it has never ceased since the days of Union versus Confederates), I have yet to see anything proving my cynicism is wrong. Don't get me wrong, I have got no problems with Americans. Rather, I blame it on American problems rather than Americans.

And speaking of Trump, I don't know whether I'm the only one smart enough to realise flip-flopping has always been his favourite hobby. Okay, that might have been a hyperbole, something which Trump has been known to do. But still, the numbers are too glaring. 253 billion worth of business deals despite crying foul like more than a year ago. And that's not considering alternating between diplomacy and fire+brimstone when it comes to North Korea. It's like wondering whether he playing it on purpose or truly a case of... well, being a schizo instead of sounding like a schizo.

Speaking of (sounding) schizo, I came across something earlier like last week or so.

Yes, it's true. I think I'm really total-recalling it like a schizo. No offence intended towards anybody excluding myself.

With the offensive part done, I need to Total Recall my runes


The system felt weird to me. It's like seeing Emilia Clarke changing the colour of her hair. Don't get me wrong, I like her Dany look. The problem is, the Dany look is definitely better in the televised world of Westeros. In the same way Westeros looks (and feels) different from the U.K, I actually prefer Emilia (Clarke) the natural brunette when it comes to beyond Westeros (and Essos as well for that matter).

Why I'm mentioning Emilia Clarke is very simple. I know the reason why her new Dany look felt strange to me, but I don't know why the incumbent rune system created by yours truly felt the same. In fact, it didn't feel 100% right when I started doing it. Since I couldn't pinpoint the source of unease, I decided to go ahead with it.

Then I realised the reason. More specifically, it's a case of possible answers found than something absolute. It felt too draggy. It's like flogging a dead horse. Not everyone can pull off a Peter Jackson like a king. People tried to do it like a boss, said boss ended up burning him/herself like Denethor II. If you think it's just one local Singaporean getting burnt, you're wrong. Terribly wrong. So terribly and horribly wrong like this poor old man below.

Enough about bashing others, let's start bashing myself. So where did I stop? Oh, the draggy part. It's too much of a drag when I think back about it. I enjoyed the process of creating, just that I suddenly remembered that gnawing feeling. It's like being a finely crafted door with termites having a feast inside.

Let's streamline this
Stretching your brain too much is not good for any person of creativity. It's like running a nation. Surely you wouldn't like that feeling when you have to sell your country's debt to another country. Still, it's a necessity (I mean the creativity part even though I have to admit running a country means killing yourself in a certain sense). Therefore, I decided to streamline the runic system. The words and deum system stay unchanged, just that the usage has to be tweaked.

No more 24 different effects or whatever. One effect per deum and not one effect per rune. However, the Nihilo deum effect stays the same. After all, there's only Zyf and Aark.

Upon using any rune within this deum (Bors, Cers, Darg, Fleig, and Gis), the caster gains an increase in physical dexterity. At the same time, even the most grievous wounds can be healed in a matter of moments.

Upon using any rune within this deum (Hel, Jorm, Kaer, Les, and Mar), the caster gains a spike in adrenaline. During this state, the caster has a heightened threshold of pain together with an increase in physical force and pace.

Upon using any rune within this deum (Nid, Pros, Qui, Rag, and Ste), the caster gains a focused mind of steel. During this state, attacks hit more accurately with a lack of fear towards death contributing to whatever defensive technique the caster is capable of.

Upon using any rune within this deum (Tev, Van, Wod, Xiv, and Yet), the caster gains the ability to inflict severe injuries via any means (i.e. physical, magic, or both). Such attacks are capable of cutting through armour via sheer force.

1. Bridge runes are still needed to create the effect (Es, Ia, Or, and Uf respectively).

2. Those capable of using magic will always be binded to one of the four deums. Basically, this also means Aeravor is (possibly) a monster like the real Vánagandr.

3. The effect of each deum is now more in sync with what the respective seasons represent. Spring represents vibrancy, something synonymous with healing and physical nimbleness. Summer represents passion, something associated with heightened strength and constitution. Autumn represents melancholy and the waning of physical strength, things linked with the necessity of mental strength. Winter represents the end of all things, something pointing towards the stranglehold mortality has over life itself.

4. I suddenly realised one thing: I was born in the month of Samhain where November is actually the first month of the Gaelic/Celtic calendar. Coincidentally, winter reflects the years of my life and how I view the world in general. Maybe I'll end up getting a girlfriend born in the month of April. After all, Aibreán is the last month of spring leading up to summer.

Runic weapons
Actually, all magic weapons are runic weapons and vice versa. Let's see things this way: Man and woman=human beings; Human beings=man and woman. Failure to understand this logic means the inability to respect women. Likewise, failure to recognise the logic behind runic weapons and magic weapons means there's nothing more I can say to you when it comes to common sense logic.

To put it in a nutshell, the carving of runes is the only reason why magic weapons are possible. Same old story: One deum rune and one bridge rune belonging to the chosen deum are needed for the SOP. This time around, runic weapons are streamlined into three categories.

1. Weapons of ice: The crafters have strongly negative views of the world which ranges from cynicism to outright animosity. Such crafters are known as the Gefrieren.

2. Weapons of fire: The crafters are either those harbouring a great love for the world or those cursed with destructive tendencies (and yes, I know what I've written sounds bipolar, but trust me when I say it is not). Such crafters are known as the Incendie.

3. Weapons of lightning: The crafters are basically seen as either whimsical, nigh crazy, or even truly crazy. In other words, they're as unpredictable as Susanoo. Such crafters are known as the Delbhna.

1. If the crafter has the character traits of more than one type, that crafter, in turn, is able to create the runic weapons under the relevant categories. For example, a crafter with the character traits of a Gefrieren and Incendie can craft weapons of either type.

2. However, above statement is a case of rare occurrences. This is due to the need for the crafter to have strong character traits associated with the crafting type instead of merely the presence. Simply put, it's a case of nature plus extent rather than nature alone.

3. Crafters are mortals after all. Which means in an entire lifetime, a crafter is most likely able to craft only two weapons. Three at most.

4. The Grail is a special category of runic weapons. While they are powerful in their own right, a strong resonation with the wielder's character would read like "supercharged magic weapon". It's like comparing normal missiles with nuclear missiles. Both are powerful, but one is way more powerful than the other.

5. Here's a scary fact: Any Grail contains part of the crafter's identity. Apparently, something went horribly correct somewhere. You may find it interesting, but I don't enjoy the notion of wielding a weapon that thinks like a Juuchi Yosamu.

6. Here an interesting trivia: The pommel of Fragarach (i.e. Aeravor's version) has the shape of a ring. I've seen a number of swords (not the ones used for killing, mind you). And guess what? The ring pommel is something real. And I'm not referring to "made in Korea".

7. Gefrieren is the German word for freeze/ice.

8. Incendie is the French word for fire/burning/conflagration/blaze. Apparently, the verbally correct version is le incendie.

9. Delbhna is actually a Gaelic Irish tribe claiming kinship with the Dál gCais, through descent from Dealbhna son of Cas. I'm not sure of the potential indication, but it seems that this is the Irish version of "limpeh".

I need to sleep now
I got work tomorrow. Unlike Jack Neo, my life sucks in the sense that I'm not entitled to do the things I like for a living. In fact, I need to wake up at 7 am tomorrow due to SGH doing its very own mobilisation. Hence, I might as well end this post with... like a couple of videos?

I know this MV may seem depressing to you, hence I decided to up one more vid to make you all feel better.

Currently 11/11/2017, let's continue
I'll need to do some minor (?) spoilers here. In the previous drafts, there were two characters. One is named Ziron, the other called Erik. In the current draft, however, I created a problem. Namely, whether the bro duo is still relevant to the plot. There are characters which I don't mind being extras or worse. Ziron and Erik are NOT two of them. In the event which there's a second shot, it's possible that they'll be back like Arnie. Most likely, however, it's going to be quite the opposite.

So does it feel like a bummer? After all, Erik may (or may not) be a character inspired by someone I happen to know/admire. In fact, the original plan was for him to be Aeravor's second teacher after Ziron couldn't do a thing about reforming (?) that bastard protagonist of mine. The problem lies in Fragarach. That thing is intended as a plot device linked to the bro duo. The presence of Emhylea threw the original Sanders into a state of chaos. Period. This was because Ziron and Erik were intended to perform the role Emhylea is doing right now.

Interestingly, it didn't feel like a bummer. I'm not someone who has the tendency to develop an emotional attachment. Even for those currently in my life, I am no different from someone staying true to the Samhain winter since everyone in the world is staying in spring or summer. At worst, it's autumn for them, unlike this guy who has to face three months' worth of harsh winter. So yeah, it's not that bad beyond my occasional bouts of emotional instability (read: blizzard happens, you know).

Technique and deums
Same as what I've done so far in the sense that I'm gonna streamline this. I'll have to give credit to the most unexpected source of motivation. Not my future girlfriend, but Cryptic. When Elemental Evil was declared a failure where Neverwinter Online is concerned, one thing stood out for me. And that is the decision to streamline things. Granted the teething process was troublesome and outright problematic at worst, but it doesn't take a Jewish rocket scientist to know the positive side to streamlining. In fact, I'm not even a Jew beyond the fact that I was treated like one from age 11 (at Henderson Primary School) to age 13 and beyond (at Gan Eng Seng Secondary School). And I was still seen as a Jew from ITE Dover all the way till 32 SIB.

Okay, I know I'm griping here. Let's continue before I start commenting on why I prefer Thorin Oakenshield unlike my fellow S'poreans (who are most likely pro-elven sans the foreign Lee).

Wonder if my super mignonne legal housebreaker knew about the other side of foreign Lee...

The technique of Earrach is focused on agility and fast hitting moves.  While power is definitely lacking, the user of Scil Earrach is more than capable of recovering from missed attacks in the blink of an eye. The five runes represent the guiding arm (Bors), moving feet (Cers), perceiving mind (Darg), flicking wrist (Fleig), and ever-changing tempo (Gis).

The technique of Samhradh is focused on force and aggression. Mobility is only secondary, a ruthless streak and sheer momentum will win the day for those of Scil Samhradh. The five runes represent the mighty swing (Hel), bleeding pierce (Jorm), holding ground (Kaer), gathering pace (Les), and inner wrath (Mar).

The technique of Fomhar is focused on defending and counter-offensive. To the user of Scil Fomhar, power is the sword while the mind is the shield. The five runes represent the thieving bite (Nid), parrying wall (Pros), sudden burst (Qui), gambit's trade (Rag), and two-hit hand (Ste).

The technique of Geimhreadh is focused on mental steel and a heart bereft of fear. To the user of Scil Geimhreadh, survival and fatalism are brothers while death is the greatest dual-edged sword. The five runes represent the frigid gaze (Tev), single stroke (Van), fearless stand (Wod), gambler's derring-do (Xiv), and living steel (Yet).

The technique of Nihilo is a mystery to all. Some say it doesn't exist, other say users of such Scil are real. Either way...

1. Bridge runes are redundant for a reason. A bridge rune represents the personality of the user, something justifying the user's right to use his/her chosen Scil. Es indicates either a hopeful outlook despite the odds or a hedonistic nature. Ia indicates either an aggressive nature or passionate character. Or indicates melancholy while Uf indicates fatalism.

3. I'd like to include cynicism as well, but it turned out that I'm creating a cynical world which no sane Singaporean would want to touch. Not even with a ten-foot pole by my own guess. Which means cynicism is not needed in this context.

4. There will be times where a potential user is actually eligible for more one Scil. Unlike the previous version, I decided to retcon the whole thing. Simply put, only one Scil allowed per user.

5. In the event where the user is eligible for more than one Scil, the decisive factor is chaos. Chaos may not be fun to tame, but it sure is fun to use. Just ask Wanda whether her Chaos magic is capable of charming Nightcrawler, accidentally or otherwise. After all, Thor did say "Beauty and power are yours to command, fair Wanda".

How the runes would look like
Firstly and foremost, I'm too lazy to immolate my brain cells. Secondly, I'm either a tech idiot or a tech Amish. This is unlike 99.9999999.........% of the global population. Unless I get a girlfriend, I doubt things are going to change, be it for the better or worse. Therefore, I'm going to mess around with the actual ABC for my runes. Note that I'll be listing them in alphabetical order since the written order is different from the order of classification.

Aark: Imagine it as the capital A realigned upside down.

Bors: Looks like the capital B, but with triangular modification done to the two round areas (any image of your dream radiographer girl baring her cleavage during work should be seen as a case of unintended consequences. After all, I don't want to get myself slaughtered by my future girlfriend's BFFs plus my future mom-in-law).

Cers: A pentagon minus the line below.

Darg: It's just a triangle turned to the right. Nothing else to see here, move on.

Es: Seen Justice League? Know Aquaman? Seen his trident? It's a case of three points facing down. Also, I haven't seen Gal Gadot donning her breastplate yet. No innuendos intended because Wonder Woman does wear her breastplate correctly. Unfortunately, Batman and Superman are too dumb to wear their underwear inside.

Fleig: Looks like the capital letter F, but with the top two lines slanting downwards.

Gis: You have something like [ plus something that looks like > at the bottom right.

Hel: The capital letter H. Yes, I'm really that unoriginal.

Ia: Just a straight line going from top to bottom instead of left to right.

Jorm: Write the capital letter L on a piece of paper. Then make the L face a mirror. No, I'm not joking here.

Kaer: Capital letter K bending over. If it doesn't look like a tripod, it means you're too dumb to understand basic instructions.

Les: Refer to Hel.

Mar: Capital letter M turned to the left. I think I've seen that before, though. Like during some maths lesson. Dunno.

Nid: Similar to Hel and Les, but slightly tipped to the right. It should look like a lightning bolt (hopefully, the PAP government won't sue me for copyright infringement. I'm too poor to fight the AGC in court, but I'm also too prideful to apologise for something so trivial).

Or: A long rectangle. Yes, you're reading this right. A long rectangle.

Pros: Basically, it looks like a triangular flag complete with a flagpole.

Quis: Looks like the Or rune, but with a small line drawn horizontally across the bottom right.

Rag: Looks like the capital letter R, but with the top round part being triangular instead.

Ste: Ever tried using the calculator? Ever imagined what 5 would look like on the calculator screen?

Tev: An arrow pointing upwards. The top part should only be slightly slanted at either side.

Uf: Long rectangle minus the line at the bottom.

Van: Basically the capital letter V placed upside down. Like Aark, no less.

Wod: Two mountain peaks. I'm not referring to a woman's breasts, but the capital letter M. I don't need my future girlfriend's BFFs conspiring with my future mom-in-law to slaughter me, tyvm.

Xiv: Literally the capital letter X.

Yet: Capital letter Y placed upside down à la La Tour Eiffel.

Zyf: Looks like capital letter Z, but with the slanting line set straight instead.

P.S: Okay, the SGH mobilisation has bitten a massive chunk off my focus. My brain is now entering hibernation mode, I've yet to eat dinner. Apparently, not even Starbucks is powerful enough. The peppermint ice mocha was nice, though.

Add P.S: Ever wonder what happens when a boy of Samhain meets a girl of Aibreán during the month of November?

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Armed and dangerous (but no longer young and dangerous)

I still remember the days where my childhood/adolescence was a crazy cocktail of Stephen Chow, Athena Chu, and Ekin Cheng. Not to mention Wong Jing as well. The last part might be that's why we Singaporeans couldn't progress beyond our kampong humour. Kampong spirit is good, but kampong humour not so much (not that I'm against kampong humour, just that we might have been a few decades behind the Renaissance).

Now, times are different. My fellow Singaporeans might still be stuck in time, but I've moved on from there. To be honest, I've learnt that response counts the most when you're used to a life where bad things happening is the only consistency. Perhaps that's why I can never remove myself from being drawn to write the dark and gritty fantasy stuff.

Note: And speaking of dark stuff, I was once again reminded that the world of Berserk is far more real than we'd like to think otherwise. I won't say "blame Texas", but... yeah, you get the drift.

Above lyrics are not really a case of glorifying violence, but rather pointing out the fact that Guts represents the world he has to live in. A world of darkness, evil, and bereft of hope. In fact, the lyrics were written from a third person view of a storyteller, not something like... this?

So what this post will be all about?
It should be... well, quite brief. This post is all about runic weapons and the physical aspect of the four deums. Because I'm still recovering from a sore throat, it means I have the entire day to myself. Funnily enough, there have been moments where I was left wondering whether my immunity system is the closest thing to Wolverine or Deadpool (i.e. the H-factor).

Above link is my latest update on the deums. However, I still feel like expanding from there.

How the deums work aka the laws of (human) physics
We all are suckers for stats. Maybe that's why video games are so attractive. Ironically, stats are also the reason justifying video games against academic excellence. In RPG, we all know the usual suspects: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. It's very D&D, I know (note: D&D in this context is not about what your dept do on an annual basis unless you're guilty of playing pen and paper with your BFF killing you every time as the DM). For the deums, I'm gonna do some... well, streamlining. Not that I'm the first one to do that.

Note to Joseph "not Justin" Wong before I continue: You don't have to feel bad for admiring Master Chief. Just like how you admired the master boss of Halo, I also admire that hero of the North.

Unlike thaumaturgy, the bridge runes don't serve any magic purpose. In fact, the runes don't serve any such purpose as well. With the exception of Zyf, the four deums are deemed legit when it comes to the laws of (human) physics.

Note: The respective aspects covered in the list should not be seen as a case of exclusivity, but rather a matter of focus. After all, knowing nothing about maths and scoring a C in the subject are two different matters altogether.

Like how spring represents vibrancy, Earrach represents a nimble take on combat. Commonly associated with reflexes and physical recovery, warriors focusing on the aspect of Earrach tend to favour light to medium armour. This is to create a balance between fluid movement and protection. Below is the list of runes under Earrach in terms of what they represent.

Bors [Fort]-Parrying
Cers [Refuge]-Evasion
Darg [Blood]-Accuracy
Fleig [Banner]-Fortitude
Gis [Gift]-Awareness
Es [Spring]-Linking the deum of Earrach to the deum of Samhradh, hence creating a technique focusing on mobility and aggression.

Summer symbolises the peak of strength and passion. Therefore, the deum of Samhradh deals with physical traits such as strength and physical durability. Warriors focusing on the aspect of Samhradh tend to favour medium to heavy armour. Eschewing mobility as something worthless, such fighters are all about taking damage and dealing it back.

Hel [Pyre]-Damage
Jorm [Flare]-Adrenaline
Kaer [King]-Fortitude
Les [Circle]-Awareness
Mar [Battle]-Rage
Ia [Summer]-Linking the deum of Samhradh to the deum of Fomhar, hence resulting in a technique based on overwhelming the opponent via a soak and counter approach.

Autumn is a season where all things are nearing an end. Hence, the need to prepare and hold back is what the deum of Fomhar is all about. Dealing with the mental aspect of combat, warriors focusing on the aspect of Fomhar are able to gear themselves with any manner of armour so long the choice suits the style. While the physical aspects are still a must, there must come a day where things will wane. This is where the mind comes into the picture.

Nid [Steal]-Riposte
Pros [Struggle]-Resolve
Qui [Regret]-Rage
Rag [Twilight]-Awareness
Ste [Beauty]-Fatalism
Or [Autumn]-Linking the deum of Fomhar to the deum of Geimhreadh, thereby creating a technique feeding off the negativity of the mind.

Despite lasting only a month, the bite of winter is surely fiercer than what the other three seasons can offer. This is a season representing the end of all things, a season known to the Homm'Nua as Creill Bháis. The deum of Geimhreadh is also no less a symbol of demise as it deals with how one reacts to mortality on the battlefield even before affliction arrives. Feeding off a fatalistic mindset, warriors focusing on the deum of Geimhreadh often favour light to medium armour even though those choosing heavy armour are never unheard of. This is a deum that teaches only two things: The need to survive and the understanding that survival is not always within one's grasp.

Tev [Cold]-Awareness
Van [Mortality]-Death
Wod [Wood]-Resolve
Xiv [Blizzard]-Damage
Yet [Survival]-Fortitude
Uf [Winter]-Linking the deum of Geimhreadh to the deum of Earrach which results in a technique of defensive pinnacle.

1. It's too tiring trying to devise one unique word for every rune. If I can do that, it means I'm Clark Kent (although Superman isn't exactly unbeatable).

2. Creating bridges in ways more than one is fun. I don't have to be a Democrat to get a license to build (unlike getting a license to kill, which would require me to be James Bond 007). And besides, common ground between any two technique isn't something unheard of in real life. It's like asking me whether there's a common ground between Park Shin-hye and Aragaki Yui, Emilia Clarke and Anok Yai (in case you don't know who she is...). My answer would be that they're beautiful ladies. The key word is ladies.

3. No, you can't link all four deums in a straight line. It's not just illegal, it's also impossible. In fact, you can only have two deums for the price of one (read: only one bridge rune allowed). So what if Aeravor can command four deums instead of one? It's just a case of "hey, it's a kind of magic lol!"

Apparently, the concept of a master race isn't a kind of magic, but some kind of magic mushroom.

4. What you see here in terms of what the runes represent is a case of concept. Let's see things this way: If I say that my girlfriend is beautiful, does that mean she needs to look like some kind of Hollywood/Bollywood/Kollywood/Japanwood/Koreawood/Chinawood/Singaporewood/etc actress? If the answer is yes, then I'm an idiot. If the answer is no, then it means beauty is never about being identical. Rather, it's a matter of identity. If the identity is there, there's no need to be identical. Be it a beautiful girl or the usage of technique.

5. Okay, I'll have to admit the so-called laws of (human) physics is a lie. It's like politicians promising you something only to realise you've been had. The factually correct version should be the laws of (humanity) physics. Yeah, right. As if this version is really more factually correct than the erroneous (original) Sanders.

How the deums work in terms of magic science
Okay, I admit above header is a paradox. How can magic be science? It's like asking how is it possible for science to be a kind of magic (unless we're talking about code programming). It's like telling me Dr Strange's identity as the Sorcerer Supreme=his (ex) career as a surgeon. We all know the two are unrelated even though they're pointing at the same doctor. Likewise, inscribing runes into weapons isn't science. Rather, it's the art of Metallurgy.

Let me just state that there are still stuff yet to be finalised. Metallurgy is one of them. I know it entails the reinforcement of metals and non-living matter. However, things change in the same way people change. At this point of time, I realised there's little to no leeway for me to justify metallurgy as a legit form of magic. Therefore, I decided to do a total recall by reinterpreting the M-word.

Arnie and Davis get older every year, but not this vid.

Metallurgy is all about inscribing the runes onto weapons. It's all about turning the mundane into the outright badass. There's nothing natural or scientific about this. Otherwise, it won't be called magic. Metallurgy, as a crafting technique, is something both elves and dwarves know. Ultimately, the only way to differentiate an elven sword from a dwarven sword is via the nature of craftsmanship. Elven weapons are lighter with more emphasis placed on the balance. Dwarven weapons are heavier and sturdier. At the same time, however, metallurgy is also doable on armour, both metal gear solid and non-metal gear solid.

The common perception when it comes to runic/magic gear is that everything is magic. Wrong. Whatever supernatural property of such equipment hinges on the one crafting it. In accordance with the unspoken rule passed down since the Age of Renown had ended, "He who crafts must be he who engraves". Below is the list of what the respective deums do. Please note a few things.

1. Only two runes can be used: The deum rune and the relevant bridge rune.

2. The character of the crafter is not just about personality, but equally important is the way he/she views the world at large.

3. As the result, the choice of deum is not about the crafter's free will, but rather the materialising of his/her character via the relevant runes.

4. I won't include the bridge runes for obvious reasons.

5. The deum rune used has no bearing on the effect. Necessity lies in the act of choosing, not the outcome.

6. The deum rune generated is by random. No rules, no practical purposes as well. This is chaos working its way into the creation.

7. Nihilo (i.e. the one with Zyf) is included.

Earrach: Either replenishes the wielder's life force whenever hitting an enemy (hinting at the crafter's hope for a world that is otherwise beyond hope) or maintaining the wielder's focus without any interference (hinting at the crafter's determination for a greater goal at all costs).

Samhradh: Either confers the weapon the elemental property of fire (hinting at the crafter having destructive tendencies for whatever reason) or lightning (hinting at the crafter being either unstable or whimsical).

Fomhar: Either increasing the durability of the weapon (hinting at the crafter having been through trials and tribulations aplenty) or increasing the wielder's physical strength according to how little (or much for that matter) he/she expects from the world (hinting at the crafter experiencing so many losses in his/her life that nothing in this world matters).

Geimhreadh: Either confers the weapon the elemental property of ice (hinting at the crafter's apathy towards all things including him/herself) or the ability to inflict death upon an enemy once specific requirements set by the crafter are met (hinting at the crafter's animosity towards the world).

Nihilo: The ability to nullify and reshape all supernatural effects coming into contact with the user (hinting at the crafter most likely no longer a mortal being as one knows it).

Note: If the crafter has more than one aspect of character concerning the deums, then which deum to use will be a case of personal choice.

So what will I do next?
I dunno. I hope to do something about the Grail, but that one alone is not going to take up much of the so-called blog space.