To be honest, this post is most likely to be more than a wee chaotic. I'll be writing a bit of everything. The nearest label to this post, therefore, would be The Crucible. After all, this label denotes either posts discussing the fictional world of A Requiem From Winter Past or affairs of the real world. Ironically, however, I find that the line separating fiction from reality is capable of blurring itself at times. The name of that line? Human nature.
Neverwinter Six has been (totally) recalled
Nothing lasts forever, eternity doesn't exist in a world where temporary things rule the roost. Be it from Braniffer to Brangelina or the latest Korean splitsville, all things are destined to face an end. That includes my original plan of the Neverwinter Six. Due to the fact that I was born somewhat obsessive, I decided to attempt an ambitious plan. And that was to create a plot flowing according to the actual Neverwinter game itself. The only problem? What goes into theory doesn't necessarily translate into reality. Don't believe me, go ask China whether communism is the correct way to run a nation.
Therefore, I decided to do a Total Recall. This is not to say the entire plan is dead. Rather, I'm now attempting a new plot. Instead of Neverwinter, it will involve Cormyr. Instead of six characters, it will be half the number. As for who will get to feature... well, let me do the intro (minus the images because I'm too lazy to 田+PrtSc).
[His eyes were like a hawk, his visage that of a wolf. Fair was his rugged look to one of a lesser race, but Cyrea knew better. That he was nothing to look at from the eyes of the Tel-quessir, that he was merely boasting average features before them. He was worth nothing compared to Ilyath. Her beloved was a fighter blessed with honor. Arylos, in turn, was a schemer bereft of scruples. Yet, there was something in his words uttered in defiance and pride. A statement of intent directed towards a god whom he never knew, a statement of blasphemy aimed at his own people. Something which Ilyath could never replicate, no matter how exceptional he truly was compared to this scoundrel she mockingly called a hero.
"Never my god and never my people."]
Hero (to Myrreas as a compliment; to Cyrea as a word of contempt due to his pragmatism and cynicism challenging her beliefs), Aryl (only to Korey), Ratwit (to the locals at Wheloon post-isolation), Lone Wolf (to the Eldreth Veluuthra as a form of mockery), Sword of Kelemvor (first coined by Lorelei Gravesower, later recognised as an official title by most, if not all, Kelemvorites after the defeat of Isies Dragonsbane, a Chosen of Cyric), Heir (to Celadaine, Black Knight of Malabog; formerly known as the Moonless Knight and Everwatcher of Iliyanbruen), Knight of Feywild (to the Iliyanbruen fey due to his blood ties with Celadaine who was hailed as the finest knight of Feywild prior to his fall from grace ), Kingslayer (official title conferred by Merrisara Winterwhite due to his feat of slaying Malabog), Cousin in-law (to Respen Durothil and Nymmestra Durothil due to... well, we know opposites do attract like the north-south magnetic science), Stormthief (to Drizzt Do'Urden and Elaith Craulnober as both a compliment and statement of respect), Forever-Cursed (to Beshaba after he spurned her advances), Ever-Cold (to Sune after he spurned her advances)
Ranger (main), Rogue (secondary)
Paragon class:
Prestige class:
Consecrated Harrier
Patron deity:
Arylos is a military genius, a brilliant tactician. He is someone abandoned by an unforgiving world. If there is any parallel I can use for him, it would be Buck from Jack London's The Call of the Wild. He has never done anything against the world, yet he has to suffer trials and tribulations. To rub salt into the injury, even his own people despise him. And all because he is never able to fit into their way of living. The so-called elven way of living. As a result, he lives apart from the world which despised him. He is quintessentially the kind of guy who became that monster the world has always been. Yet, he somehow ended up as a hero. Like his blueprint known as Archer, his status as a hero was nothing short of an irony. He never wanted to be a hero, yet he became one due to circumstances beyond his call. This is a character who can only live by the sword. In this sense, it can be said that Arylos is also someone living for the sword. This is the reason why he's not exactly the smartest person in Faerûn. His outstanding genius is only relevant in days of warfare, not in times of peace.
[From the first day, Myrreas found her alluring. There was indeed something otherworldly about her. It wasn't her hair of shoulder length gold or those eyes of sunset red. It has got nothing to do with her beautiful features or a shapely figure. This was a maiden who has seen plenty. Yet, a reality utterly blemished failed to defile her inner world. For she knew the monsters greeting her. She spoke very little about her past, yet one name was whispered in her sleep. Even though only for once, he still recalled the tears as the name Ilyath greeted his ears. Curiosity gripped him, his dogged determination managed to won the war. Ilyath Le'Quella, a moon elf of outstanding capability and upright character. Ilyath Le'Quella, he who was a hundred times better than the rest. Or so by his own guess.
Then an interesting thought crept into him. What if there was someone capable of achieving victory? What if the living was capable of supplanting the dead?]
Princess (to Myrreas as a compliment; to Arylos, but as a form of sarcasm due to her idealism and upbringing as part of the sun elven nobility), Beloved Bride (to Ilyath Le'Quella due to their relationship as lovers prior to his untimely death due to Kymil Nimesin manipulating House Durothil for purposes unstated), Most Beautiful Cousin (to her two cousins, Respen Durothil and Nymmestra Durothil, much to her constant annoyance despite the compliment being spot on), Cyrri (to her two best friends, Sheallyn Melarn and Lewynn Hawkseal-Deudermont), Hope (to Celadaine just before his death via Malabog's treachery), Favored of Corellon (to her fellow sun elves prior to her decision to leave Evermeet), Legacy of Mystra (to Elminster and, later on, Sheallyn) Mirror (to Mystra)
Cleric (main), Wizard (secondary)
Paragon class:
Divine Oracle
Prestige class:
Favored Soul
Patron deity:
Corellon Larethian
If Arylos' mind is intended for warfare, then Cyrea's mind is a symbol of peace. In a world where conflict and peace are intertwined, Arylos can only fit into one half of the deal. Cyrea, on the other hand, fits into both halves. Definitely, Cyrea is one hell of a smart girl. She's basically every Singaporean's ideal girlfriend. Namely, rich, beautiful, and intelligent. Maybe that's what they mean when it comes to a Tesla girl.
[He was both the fool and devil. He was a fool because he allowed himself to be. He was a devil because of a ruthless streak in any fight, be it in a tavern brawl or against the dragon they slew years ago. It has been years since Myrreas left the Harpers in the name of acrimony. He never turned back even once since that fateful day. Sheallyn could only offer her blessings. No one has ever understood him. Either they were unable to or they never tried even once. He was someone doomed to loneliness. He once joked that he would stay lucky and forever alone. Either that or those in his life would die as a result. There would always be moments where she felt he wasn't pulling a jest, that he was more of a trophy Tymora and Beshaba have always fought over.]
Myrr (to his companions except for Arylos), Troubleson (to the Harpers and those biased against him), Starknife (to Selûne after he successfully pulled the dagger from a tree stump surrounded by briars), Lucky Loner (to Tymora due to her understanding of his future), Never-Heir (to both Dagult Neverember and Arlon Bladeshaper for unknown reasons)
Rogue (main), Fighter (secondary)
Paragon class:
Master Infiltrator
Prestige class:
Arcane Trickster
Patron deity:
If Arylos is neutral good and Cyrea lawful good, then Myrreas is chaotic good. This guy is trouble. Period. Traditionally, charismatic people tend to divide opinions and polarize views. From the late Lee Kuan Yew to Sir A. Fergie and J-Mou, the key lies in a strong personality with an innate charm. Myrreas can never be the late Mr Lee because he's not under the lawful alignment. He's neither Fergie or J-Mou since he's not exactly leader material. Yet, his charisma is definitely that: Love him or hate him, you gotta respect him.
The East, Punggol West, and... Aeravor?
He says, she says, but what does the data say about the East? My first reaction is a mixture of good and bad. Afterwards, the word chaotic popped up. Finally, chaotic evolved in chaotic neutral. Chaotic neutral is what you get when you're dealing with someone like Aeravor.
And speaking of Aeravor, I actually did some minor changes to A Requiem From Winter Past. When any locker room banter starts talking about having sex, all sorts of words start to come out. From the letter F to the letter S, from the letter C to the letter D. The phrase "having sex" sounds too banal. Yet, I don't want people to accuse me of being tasteless. Humor is a beautiful thing. They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but there's no doubting that general consensus counts as well.
The beauty of humor lies in the words used. More oft than not, humor is displayed via visual images. Believe it or not, Jack Neo isn't the only one to play the most basic card. You got movies done by Wong Jing, you also have stuff like South Park and Beavis and Butthead. Or something quite tame in comparison.
Yet, humor via words is the best proof of class. Not every person can pull it off. Although granted things can get... well, more than a wee bit vulgar at times.
My style is... shall we say, quite tame by comparison. Long story short, two aspects of the male society were affected. When it comes to the tavern room banter version of having sex, I use the p-word instead of the f-word or s-word. If poke is not self-explanatory, I don't know what else is (believe it or not, even the lecturer was not above in using the phrase "kenna poke in the backside" during my part-time ITE days. Thankfully, I forgot the name of that lecturer).
As for breasts, I find the word boobs to be... well too tame. Tame enough for something rated PG. But A Requiem From Winter Past should be rated NC16 despite it being a dialogue focused work. Then I suddenly remembered an English slang. Stack is a non-dirty word. Once you mod it into stacked, that's where the all hell broke loose. Stacked in slang speak means... well, having large breasts. And since I'm dealing with a word cursed with sexual context, I might as well mod it. Simply put, stack in A Requiem From Winter Past means breasts. Not necessarily the type you enjoy seeing in porn.
Note: Seriously, I'm not a guru in doing explicit scenes. Majority of what you see in the above links is dialogue. Yes, there's such a thing called scenario. But I don't spend half a chapter telling the readers the SOP of any MMA fight. But nevertheless...
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NC16 should be somewhere between T and M. Maybe ESRB should upgrade itself soon like a Singaporean. Then again, which parent would heed the ESRB rating? Some, yes. Most, doubt so. All, hell no. |
Contradicting myself like Archer
No matter whether it's Archer, Emiya Shirou, or Emiya Kiritsugu, the existence of contradiction would always dog them for eternity (that is unless you discount the legitimacy of Heaven's Feel since Nasuverse itself is a multiverse like the Marvelverse). For me, I've committed an Emiya.
So now comes my verdict. Metallurgy is now back to legit magic status. Yes, you read it right! Legit. You know what is legit? You go register your marriage with your dream spouse. Once the signature part is done, your marriage is legit. Once the vows are exchanged, your marriage is legit. Once both parties say "I do", your marriage is legit. And trust me, a kiss is not needed to make your marriage legit (although there have been instances of me attending wedding ceremonies sealed with a kiss. Hope you're fine and well over there in Japan with your SIA wife, Salted Fish).
This also means one thing: I have more things to write concerning random stuff in my world of A Requiem From Winter Past.
And to round off this chaotic neutral post...
I decided to do a bit about Aeravor. Note that the info I do here shouldn't be just limited to the written version. Gaming version is also included.
1. Aeravor's Scil is Geimhreadh.
2. Those of Scil Geimhreadh excel in physical and mental hardiness. While Geimhreadh doesn't boast the agility of Earrach, the physical style of Samhradh, or the mental strength of Fómhar, it is a fairly well-balanced Scil.
3. There's too much similarity between gambler's derring-do (Xiv) and risky gambit (Rag) since they indicate the same concept. Therefore, risky gambit is now changed to gambit's trade. After all, if Rag means Twilight, then pulling off a successful gambit will heighten your chances of surviving till the next dawn.Twilight may indicate the end, but dawn will always follow. It's like how Ragnarök will pan out once the Twilight of the Gods meets its end.
4. In the same way there are five runes in every deum, Aeravor will have five stats. In fact, all characters doing the fighting, man and woman, will have five stats.
5. The five stats are: Power (affects damage [2% per point] and all effect duration [1.5% per point]) , Fortitude (affects maximum hit points [5% per point] and damage resistance [2% per point; additional 3% per point when holding ground]), Dexterity (affects critical chance [0.5% per point] and damage reduction upon unsuccessful dodge [2% per point]), Wit (affects critical chance [+1% per point] and critical damage [0.5% per point]), and Resolve (affects damage resistance [1% per point; additional 1% per point when holding ground] and control effect resistance [1.5% per point; additional 2.5% per point when holding ground]).
6. As a Scil user of Geimhreadh, Aeravor gains +1 bonus to Resolve.
7. As Aeravor's bridge rune, Uf confers 30% damage bonus whenever his hit points reach 50% or below.
Okay, show is done.
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