Okay, after such a long time, I'm back. In a previous post of mine, I mentioned the need to do a total recall. At the same time, recent events have messed me up. I won't say badly since I don't want to make myself sound super emo. But still, it's screwed up. There were times where I felt I was a few steps closer to being the real Emiya Kiritsugu.
Koyama-san was right in likening Kiritsugu to a katana sharp but brittle. Like father like son.
Of course, I could have done a worse comparison. Namely, myself and Guts.
Speaking of Guts
Pretty much plenty of (if not all) things I've done for Aeravor has become some sort of self-deprecating dark comedy. Originally, my own struggles were the last thing on my mind. Then Murphy's Law struck my life once again for the N time. The next thing I realised, Aeravor became someone more like myself and any character one would expect from the likes of Miura Kentaro, Urobuchi Gen, and G.R.R Martin. Needless to say, this means I've created Aeravor to be an accidental version of Guts since my original plan was to create the silent anti-hero. Interestingly enough, I'm much more satisfied with the current version instead of what I planned initially.
The reason why I'm saying this is very simple: It should be a no-brainer by now that Alestrial Eliaden was inspired by Park Shin-hye when it comes to her looks. Coupled with the fact that there's also a bit (?) of myself in Gael Kodr and the whole thing warped into a catalogue of tales weirder than whatever stories coming from China. Initially, I never paid any heed to it. In fact, I did a very nasty thing as a payback to my sis over her act of denial where in fact she could have tried proving me wrong by fact-checking. It's called renaming Sarel Aphros' previous self as Nanaya no Hye'Jung. Members of SHynCorp should know this is the name of the protagonist in the K-drama Doctor Crush played by their beloved Korean Athena (or Freyja depending on whether one is pro-Greek or pro-German).
Then came the news which could/should/would have crushed the hopes of every hwandudaedo-crazy salty Korean. Namely, a much better Park-Choi than the previous Park-Choi. One is a star couple which I've got no problem in wishing all the best sincerely while the latter case is... well, a political scandal. This means I need to do my own PR firefighting.
Please note that from this day on, Alestrial Eliaden should no longer be seen as a visual substitute for Park Shin-hye. This is to prevent me from getting burnt over a prolonged case of being an East Asian jackass from Singapore (i.e. being a Singaporean Chinese means I'm technically an East Asian due to my ancestors taking a one-way trip from China to some island colonised by the Celts... erm, sorry I mean the Brits). Just because I have a history of being a creative jackass instead of trying to be the next Jack Neo doesn't mean I'm utterly insane beyond cure.
Since my intention has always been nothing less than this, it means I need to make a few things official.
1. Because of my vindictive act towards my sis last time around, I need to rename Sarel Aphros' former identity. Previously known as Nanaya no Hye'Jung, she is now Nanaya no Tae'Jin.
2. There is no way I can ever do a name-change for Alestrial Eliaden since there's nothing Korean about her apart from the nature of her ethnicity. Hence, the only thing I can do is to pull off a John Constantine.
(Note: Apparently, the powers-that-be were worried that fans of Sting would hire Drew & Napier to sue them until their pants drop due to Sting's image rights. That's despite Sting being absolutely chuffed over the fact that he's... well, John Constantine)
3. Because of this, it means I won't (and don't) have to put myself under unwanted pressure. Trust me when I say I've got no problem with G.R.R Martin trolling the fans by wiping out 70% of the Starks (90% if we're talking about the HBO version).
4. Emma Watts-Eliaden is now officially renamed as Eirlanna Ulst-Eliaden. Originally inspired by Emma Watson, I realised it's much better for me to play the game of absolute standard. And besides, I believe it'd be better in the light of the #MeToo movement. Eirlanna Ulst-Eliaden... now that's a very... Irish name, I guess? When you got Aeravor wielding a sword named Fragarach, you should know where this is going.
5. Jeska Lews Brynhilda is now officially renamed as... well, just Brynhilda. C'mon, just admit it. Brynhilda as a title should sound badass, no? Jesseca Liu is the reason why I have to do this.
6. Emhylea von Stormhearth is now officially renamed as Gráinne von Stormhearth. I thank Peter Berresford Ellis for giving me the license to pull this off. Needless to say, I'm not interested in creating shallow female characters. Although there's no way I can do this for 50 female characters so as to speak. I am but a fallible man, for I am never the infallible God.
7. I don't have to tell you the reason why I have to implement point 6. So what if she's still single? I may be crazy, but I'm not about to risk the ire of every Anglo-Saxon male. And besides, I don't want to get into trouble with Buckingham Palace over a lady and the fact that the A-word has always been synonymous with my life.
8. I nearly forgot her. Thank goodness I didn't. Kagetsu no Hyo'Ah is officially renamed as Kagetsu no Ji'Yeon. And no, it has got nothing to do with the banner girl of South Korea's #MeeToo movement. The world is screwed up enough and I don't want to make it worse.
The changes will be implemented asap. Once I finish the job, I'll re-upload the latest chapter (i.e. Talking Gods) since I've already linked the previous chapters there. At the same time, I need to thank the people working in every Asian's favourite source of carbohydrates for reminding me that I'm no less broken than Emiya Shirou.
Total Recall: Dualshocked
Wonder whether this will mean Bill Haslam running for president come 2024...
I need to do an Arnie here (no Terminator Genisys jokes please). Okay, I have to admit doing the parrying and dodging thing is a nightmare. Initially, it didn't feel right to me. Now I know why: Because my ideas back then weren't the best. So let's go back to the drawing board.
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And with that, Le Président d'République Française himself. |
Because I need to be fair to both parties, it's better for me to do both controllers instead of just one. However, I have to admit the Nintendo controller interface is a different monster altogether in the same way Rafael Nadal is a different monster from Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka.
Character movement: Left analogue stick
Camera zoom: Right analogue stick
D-pad: Inventory browsing (press any directional button to open the inventory)
Triangle/Square/Cross/Circle or Y/X/A/B: Select inventory item for usage
Triangle/Y: Standard attack (hold down the button for heavy attack)
Square/X: Parry (hold down the button to adopt parrying stance; your character cannot move while in this stance)
Cross/A: Tactic (a move unique to the character used)
Circle/B: Dodge/Block (hold down the button to dash)
L2/LT: Thaumaturgy
R2/RT: Metallurgy
L2+R2/LT+RT: Overdrive
Changes to gameplay
Firstly and foremost, no more auto dodge chance. Secondly, no more auto parry chance (okay, that one is technically a lie which I'll have to address in the next post). Thirdly, no more auto hit chance. The stats remain the same, though.
Strength: Affects base damage (+1% per point above the score of 4), maximum hit points (+2% per point), and resistance against any physical control effect (+1% per point above the score of 4)
Dexterity: Affects movement speed (+1% per point), attacking speed (+1% per point), and critical hit chance (+2% per point above the score of 4)
Wit: Affects maximum capacity of the Focus gauge (+2% per point) and critical hit damage (+2% per point above the score of 4)
Resolve: Affects depletion speed of the Focus gauge (-1% per point), duration of magic effects (+1% per point), resistance against magic damage and any control effect (+1% per point), and critical effect chance (+1% per point above the score of 4)
Note: Magic effects consist of those of thaumaturgy and metallurgy. Also, stats apply to both PCs and NPCs.
Focus gauge will always start off at 100% at the start of any combat. Whenever a character hit an opponent or gets hit, the Focus gauge will be reduced by a certain amount. However, the Focus gauge will automatically refill if no hits are being dealt, be it by the opponent or the character. Note that Focus gauge is applicable to both PCs and NPCs.
Resistance against magic effect has two aspects. Namely, damage based resistance and duration based resistance. The former reduces the amount of damage taken while the latter reduces the duration of any debuff targeting the character. However, this type of resistance only applies to thaumaturgy effects.
Duration of magic effect also has two aspects. This time around, it is separated into thaumaturgy and metallurgy.
Critical chance and damage refer to the weapon(s) used. Unlike these two stats, critical effect refers to both the chance and effect/damage. At the same time, critical effect applies only to thaumaturgy and metallurgy instead of weapons. Should any weapon damage causes physical control effect without any magic applied, the duration will be decided by the critical chance instead.
Inventory space is capped at 20 slots. Each piece of loot/item ranges from 1 slot to 4 slots when it comes to size. So consider carefully what to carry and what to throw. At the same time, non-potion inventory items have an expiry date where said items cannot be used (or sold) once they reach their respective expiry dates. However, you can increase the total inventory slots by having allies in your group.
Next: Further elaboration on the updated gameplay system. Hopefully, I can do a revamped gameplay profile on Aeravor. And yeah, here one more Berserk below.
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