"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

Monday, 30 May 2016

Dusk and Steel: Conceptual stuff 4 teh lolz

This post will entail some stuff which may (or may not) pop up in the actual Dusk and Steel saga. Let's see how far I can go here.
If only I have such a girlfriend...
Characters planned so far (plus some articles tantamount to inspiration)

The (not so heroic) hero~Flayne Iceburn
The (emotional?) assassin~Jagan no Ji-hye
The (only?) white dude~Gaelos Stormcall

Very Important Person~self-explanatory (try guessing who lol)

From Lyonore:
The rich and beautiful (not to mention non-token as well) damsel~Stephia Honn
The honest (but not necessarily dumb) guy~Breysmond Tayne
The (beautiful) wife of that honest dude above~Ellen Lowe
 The (3rd) BFF~Weisslynn Leas
The (lady boss) innkeeper~Fionee
The (mute) noblewoman~Karen Tenias
The (smitten) protector~Jase Steele
The (old) monarch~Learson I (also known as the Grieving King)

Stephia's ex~Grayne Fireblade (officially dead right from the start of the story)

The (overly attached) loli~Mychel
Her (jerkass) bro~Lyceas

From Teutos:
The (old) genius~Antoch Conteas
The (not so) genius~Jorey Bartos
The (ill-tempered?) daughter of the first genius~Huin Conteas
The (cunning) princess~Elayne
The monarch~Bastien VII (basically Elayne's brother as well)

A selected bunch of sellswords as well:
The (old) leader~Bill Tango (also known as Tango Bill)
The sidekick (?)~Ryarn Rockstep
The (assertive) second in command~Erik Darkedge
The (intelligent) question asker~Ian Wordsfort
The (currently single) girl~Calyne Willowshaft

From the Confederation of Wayfarers
The trolling one~Dios Symeon
The dour one~Torvey Morray
The oldest one~Fergus Alex
The special one~Joes Mouris
The intelligent one~Zid Gardios
The (not-so) ordinary one~Jorgen Klov

A/N: And the list goes on...

Inspirational articles:

List of magic usable
Otherwise known as the Denial of Oblivion, this form of magic is the most well known throughout Worldsea (i.e. the fantasy world where Dusk and Steel is based). Many tales have been sung where powerful mages of yore managed to change the world for the better or worse (in the words of any minstrel, "feats which only the gods can do"). As its nickname suggests, thaumaturgy is all about creating something out of nothing. While there are plenty of street magicians plying their trade, they are only capable of pulling the rabbit out of the hole (i.e. a metaphor referring to the kind of stuff we're used to seeing in magic shows rather than the Harry Potter movies). Indeed, whispers are always afoot where individuals exist in the same manner as heroes and monsters of the past.

While lesser known than thaumaturgy, metallurgy is nevertheless a potent form of power nowhere inferior. If thaumaturgy is all about creation, then metallurgy is all about reinforcing what is already there. As its namesake suggests, metal is without a doubt the best substance upon which metallurgy can be used. Also known as the Acceptance of Creation.

Virtually nothing is known about this final form of magic. At best, scholars could only speculate via archaeological findings gleaned from ancient ruins. Archaeology, however, is a risky business at best and a suicide mission at worst. This is because the land mass of Worldsea is far outweighed by the surrounding waters. Nevertheless, the human thirst for knowledge has always driven individuals to make decisions befitting of a madman. Perhaps this is why slavery is so rampant, for only the Nygros possess the stamina and endurance to perform such a dangerous task.

A/N: Need to sign off. It's now nearing 1am here in Singapore, I still need to work myself to death tomorrow. Before I end this, please allow me the pleasure to You-spam the video below.


And yes, you can be sure I'll be back. Like this angmoh here.

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